Thursday, July 03, 2008

live with no regrets: inked (ep2)

Joy Wong replied! She's Jimmy Wong's daughter. She said she'll book me into her time. All I gots to do is give her a call one or two days before I go over to fix up the appointment. How cool is that??? OMGOMGOMG... this is so happening!! Please please please don't chicken out.

Deeeep breath. Deeeeep breath.

I've got 3 weeks. Time to revisit the design I wanted and decide where I want my ink.


Wednesday, July 02, 2008

live with no regrets: inked (ep1)

For someone who's crazy about tattoos, it's rather confounding that I don't have one (yet). It's one of those things that I've been putting off and talking about for far too long.

It started during my studying days, on my various traipsing around Sydney town. I would sometimes walk past this tattoo studio called the Illustrated Man. I remember being very fascinated by the colourful pictures on the facade of the studio. Then there's the huge TATTOO STUDIO framing the entrance. Of the many times I contemplated to boldly walk through the door and bellow "Gimme an ink", never once did I grow any balls. That would probably help. But damn, was I so seduced.

Years later and after many just talks and parental approval (close enough), I went to Borneo Ink to set up an appointment. As opposed to generally peeping from the outside, I actually walked into a tattoo studio this time and talked to a tattoo artist. I had done my research and I sorta have a design in mind and I sorta know where I want it. But it takes about a month to fully heal and I was to take off for my OWD in two weeks. It'll never heal in time. Salt water + healing wound = BAD IDEA.

Then this morning, whilst deep into work, a sudden thought hit me "Hey, why not get inked in Bangkok?" I have no friggin idea where that came from too. So I googled and read some forums/blogs and the consensus was Jimmy Wong's da bomb. I googled some more and I found an email address. I just wrote him.

Is it meant to be this time around?