Saturday, July 14, 2018

cheap or practical?

I have this thing about not over paying for something or a service that I could well accomplish with my own hands. It's very likely something I inherited from my mum, because she wouldn't eat out at a place where the food doesn't taste as good as her own cooking (and she's a great cook) or she could easily cook up the dishes. She also makes most of my clothes when I was younger and all the curtains and cushion covers in the house too (until today), just because she can.

Of course, I'm not as accomplished as my mum so I only DIY when I feel very strongly over the subject. For example: "$150 for a customised cake?? Are you effing serious?"

It's just a cake. I can bake a cake.

Ta-dah! For her 3rd birthday, my girl got a melting ice cream cake. It was the easiest cutest design for baking on a weekday night. I couldn't have done it without Youtube.

It's actually a very kids unfriendly lemon cake with raspberry buttercream 😅. I made this mainly for the teachers to share, because the kids are getting...

Chocolate ice cream cone cakes with buttercream and sprinkles!

What's more challenging than the baking and decorating is figuring out how to store and transport the ice cream cone cakes. I ended up cutting holes into a piece of cardboard and standing them in a cake box.

It was a hit with the kids! I brought it in just before lunch time and some of them wolfed down their lunches so that we could get along with the program 😄

I baked them the night before and the cones had gone soft in the morning, even though I kept them in a tight container. I poked a hole in the bottom of the cone, as some has suggested, but they still went soft. That was a disappointment. Luckily the chocolate cake was quite yummy.

This is what she got last year. It was an earl grey cake with lemon buttercream. I know, I know, not a very popular cake flavour for kids but she was the only one. She wasn't really into cakes last year anyway so it was mainly for the adults.

I think this once a year baking trend is here to stay since customised cakes cost a bomb and I'm an absolute cheapo. As long as she doesn't mind home made cakes (or doesn't start requesting for fancy stuff like Paw Patrol or PJ Masks), I would continue to make them. Like how my mum used to do.