But but but... this morning.... it's still there!! OMG!!! There must be a logical explaination for this! I slept on my side again. It's a freaky discolouration. Most importantly, it's T-E-M-P-O-R-A-R-Y!! During lunch, I got my colleague to squint real hard and stand like 2 inches away eye-to-eye. Conclusion: She thinks I'm paranoia. But I really am not *pouts* I know my face and I would know additional features when I see it.
I tell you... it's karma for not listening to my parents! They always warned me I'll get either an infection or wrinkles from rubbing my eyes too much. Can anyone tell me why only the bad predictions ever come true?? I know that growing mature is inevitable and a natural progression, but the reality is oh so cruel.
Hmm.... maybe it's bekos I've gained some weight and so my cheeks are fatter and it compressed the skin around my eyes whenever I open my mouth. Plausible, no? I'm currently in a mild not-pleased-at-all funk. Altho it's nothing a round of retail therapy couldn't fix... hahaha.
BTW, I'm not narcissist eventho I started off this blog with a beauty crisis. OK-la OK-la.. perhaps a little more vain than I care to admit. But which girl isn't??
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