Monday, March 13, 2006

of chocolates and others...

My colleagues often possess this generous courtesy of getting everyone chocolates from the airport whenever they travel overseas. I don't usually scoff all of it at one go coz good chocolates are meant to be savoured one at a time, when the mood is right. Not when you're stressing or PMS-ing.

So I didn't think it was particularly amusing when I found an unwrapped Baci Perugina on my desk this morning, with its top slightly nibbled off. And my premium piece of Dubai chocolate that comes in a cute teeny bag, gone. And what's that?? My pack of M&Ms left half opened on my in-tray.

There's a chocolate thief in the house. And a sadistic one at that!


On a totally unrelated topic, I decided yesterday to resurrect my foray into academics. As a student of course, minus the late party nites and boozing laidback student lifestyle I got in university.

I must be insane to put myself through the whole net present value and return on investment shebang, again. Why I say again is because Ms Genius (not!) here have attempted this before and failed the December 2004 papers with such glory, despite it being a mere repeat and rehash of only just, you know, the entire 3 years syllabus of my degree program.

Now, the deal is I don't really fancy failing the same exam twice, especially not at such a senior age. My young cousins happen to think I’m rather clever and I hate to shatter their perfect vision of me. Gullible infants. Of coz, parents, bosses, peers and anyone above the age of 10 all know better. Am I capable of juggling a somewhat demanding so-called career and ace a bitch of an exam paper? I guess it’s time to put my claims of great time management skills to test.

As any decent economics graduate, I analysed the opportunity cost of every decision I would take. In this case, the accounting cost of taking the paper and how I could alternatively and wisely spend the money. I paid US$360 for this paper, which translates to approximately RM1,368. With this amount of moolah I could...

.... get a camera. The uber cool Sony Cybershot DSC-T9 to be exact. One camera is never enough. I need another one which is small enough for me to sneak into concerts and such.

.... get an mp3 player. I’ve been eyeing iPods ever since they rolled off the production line back in 2001. Don’t quite understand why I never got around to getting one because it’s a toy for the cool cats out there and I’m a cool cat. Me-oww.

.... splurge on a very sexy very classy very “I-seriously-cannot–afford-it” dress suit from Zara. My parents will probably skin me alive if I blow close to RM1,000 for a piece of body covering. But if I could look like I walked out of an advertisement, I don’t see how that’s a bad thing.

.... contribute to my Retirement Car Fund. The sum forfeited would work out to approximately 1/50 of the 10% down payment for my retirement car, which is usually driven by either some balding fat mid-life crisis bloke or stick-insect lookalike supermodel cum mistress. Since I don’t have the assets to hook a rich boyfriend who’ll give it to me as a birthday present nor inherit it, I guess I have to do what other normal people do - EARN IT!!

So this is what I’m giving up to torture myself with an exam. The last time I attempted it, I could have spent 1 week in Europe, when airfare and airport taxes are a bit cheaper. I suppose this is a small price to pay for future fame and glory eh.

Autographs, anyone?