Thursday, December 15, 2005

sweet surrender


I'm havin ice cream for breakfast.

It's dairy, it contains some carbs, and chocolate provides me with antioxidants that will supposedly scare the bejeezus out of cancer cells from EVER contemplating even residing in this body of mine.

So ice cream is healthy. And it tastes good. And no matter what people say, things that tastes good can't be THAT bad for health.

Some food for thought for ya.

Monday, December 12, 2005

come and look at me

So I got a perm last Saturday. Been toying with the idea for some time now (and by some time I mean approximately 2.25 years) so this was, unlike any other decisions I've been known to make, a sound and calculated one. I also tested it out first with a home hair curling kit la, just so I'm doubly sure I want to do this to myself.

Against my better judgement, I went to try out a new salon as my usual hairdresser wanted to charge me a bomb. While it's a common knowledge that beauty comes with a price, I'm just a bit reluctant to spend so much on something I would potentially hate and regret. Just so we're on the same page, a perm can cost something like RM200 - RM500, depending on the length of hair, how many celebrities have frequented the salon and whether you're a guy or girl. Yup, discriminative pricing. And they call them unisex salon. Howabout some unisex pricing huh??

Anyhoo, I found a reasonably priced place with friendly looking staff. One of the hairdresser has a W800i so I picked her to do my hair. I know, not very the scientific selection process but you make do with what you have OK. Look, we've got the same taste in mobile phone so logically, similar taste in everything else. You follow? Nevermind....

I’m not a demanding person so I usually give the hairdresser free reins for them to do what they fancy to my hair. After all, they ARE the professionals and there's a reason why I pay them to cut my hair and not do it myself. Me telling them how to do their job is frankly an insult. I hate it when people do that. It’s like telling a doctor how to perform an incision. Or teaching the contractor how to drill a hole in the wall. Now if you let the professionals do their job, at the very least, you'll have a sorry excuse when things don’t turn out the way you want it to *grins*

I have only one simple request - dowan so curly. Because too curly hair will make me look like an ah sou (loose translation: stay-at-home wife with 6 kids). And looking like an ah sou would do nothing to up my marketability. And bad marketibility means I won't be fit to be brought along to some high profile meetings. Pretty people will stay away from me. I will end up in a spinster home in the depths of some impossible to pronounce forsaken town. See, the repercussions are endless. Simple request but very crucial all the same.

I have an idea of what I want my hair to look like. I was thinking along the lines of this:


... and fun

And after 4 hours of trim, wash and having hot burning rollers in my hair, I got this:

Not exactly how I pictured it huh? Although I must say, the 2nd pix made me look kinda kawai ^__^ A very rare occurence indeed. On the whole, I think it's alright. Every single sen was money well spent! I was told that a few more washes would make the curls look more natural. My transformation would be complete once I get highlights and a colour, maybe. Very soon, the sight of my sexy tresses would make all those who come into view faint from admiration and wonderment… wahahahaha.... damn angkat.

As today is Monday, I've braced myself for some guaranteed amount of stares/OTT reactions/feedbacks from the masses. And I tell you, it's all the rage in the office! People behaved as if it's the most amazing curiosity since Moses parted the Red Sea. I felt nothing short of a show horse.

And before I sign off, my list of...

Top Five Things People Say When You Sport A New Hairdo

5) How much you spent on your hair? (if a guy were asking this, he would cock an eyebrow and give you a sideways glance)

4) So cuutteeeee (now, I wasn't aiming for that, but.... I'll take it. Hey, beggars can't be choosers)

3) You got married over the weekend ar? (yah, and you weren't invited)

2) WHY??? (as in why in the world I did it. Well, I'm lost too....)

1) Wah... what happened?? (NOTHING!! Is that your compliment??? Incredulous...)