Tuesday, August 29, 2006

no regrets

Life is funny, when you think about it.

To me, Life has been a series of coincidences. Some good, some bad, but eternally linked. Like how some things are meant to happen and that's just the way they are. Almost like fate.

I understand, I accept, for the longest time now, that things happen for a reason. Bad things don't happen just because. Some good has to come out of it, like a hidden agenda. There has to be a silver lining. I'm foolishly optimistic in that way.

Perhaps that's why even when Life doesn't go the way I hoped it would, it has always had this funny way of working out. It may not be what I want at the end of the day, but turned out to be what I need instead.

Like how this happened because of that. But if that didn't take place, then this would not happen at all. Two events that are independent and yet intertwined, where one would not have existed without the other. Two different endings hanging on one insignificant decision.

If given a choice (and the foresight) to do it all over again, I would stubbornly choose to make the same bad decision. I rather that happened so that I could have this - my silver lining.

You know the part where Robert Frost once lamented of how "Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both"?

Consider this: What if both roads lead to the same point? Would it matter then which path you take? Given the chance, would you choose to rehash and rewind? Why?

I'm at peace, strangely contented with the way things are at the moment, even though Life had not gone the way I wanted it to.