Wednesday, November 29, 2006

something stupid

I must be channeling some really nasty karma.

Last Friday, close to midnite, when I was done with my work, I deleted the 250-pager document which I was supposed to circulate in the next 10 minutes and which coincidentally contains my whole week worth of work. From the server OK. And I don't have a backup. It's surprising I had not thrown the PC off the balcony and even more surprising I lived to tell this tale. So my studying plans went down the drain and stress level hit sky high.

And yesterday, my left eye got so swollen I actually had limited vision. My eyes oredi damn small. And now can hardly see anything. Had to wear sunnies to the office. Damn poser can. Can't put eye make up bah. And I'm doing charity by not scaring anyone early in the morning. Planned to clear my work then take the half day off, so I actually went to the office sans make up. First time I do such a thing. But as all good plans go, it failed brilliantly.

Then after a long day, I finally can go home. Finally. When I got to my car, I couldn't find my keys in my bag. OK, what I have is actually a small knapsack. Handbag too small and not useful la. Always wanna kena snatch some more. So I emptied the contents and still I couldn't find it. So I stuffed everything back in and made my way back up to my office, where my keys presumably fell out.

And guess what? It wasn't there. Nor was it anywhere around or near where I sit.

Normal people would panic or maybe curse until Lady Liberty blushes, but me, heh, a stupid thought hit me. Well, maybe not as stupid as the person who thought it. So I made my way back down to the car and as suspected, there it was.... in the ignition. The way I had left it there when I arrived in the morning. It would be comical had it not been so so ARRGHHH.

If anybody wanna steal a car, please call me. I will leave the keys in the ignition and if you open the coin box there, you will find an exit pass thus ensuring you of a safe and convenient drive out.


Thursday, November 23, 2006

excuse me but... ba-ka-ya-ro

Simply because...

...someone thinks it’s okay to get me to re-draft a more than 20 pager document to be ready by tomorrow morning... just in case they need it.

...some people like to pdf their stuff so I can’t copy and paste it. So now I'm a typist!! How cool is that?

...some fat-assed overpaid CONsultant is breathing down my neck eventho there's still 3 whole days to my deadline. Haloooo... got 3 more days OK. Get a life. Go shag someone/something.

...approximately 230.5 hours to D-Exam-Day and I’ve only covered say 16.2% of the study notes... not even the required reading. Even if I don't eat sleep and shit, still not enuf time. Can die anot I ask you???

...someone waved a packet of Twisties in front of me and I’m in the mood to stuff myself silly with over-processed artificially flavoured food. I possibly weigh more than five Nicole Richies and I’ve stopped going to the gym oredi kay... don’t do this to me.... is the official launching of the Mazda 3 and the showroom is like less than 15 minutes away. Jalan oso can sampai..... butttttt..... I gotta work. Got 20 pager document to re-draft... pissed.

...I haven’t gone out for weeks!! Not the leisurely “window shopping, boys/girls watching” kinds anyway. Besides coming to work, I do go out, to pay my bills. Ughh. I-think-about-you-day-and-night dreamy Coach soho signature patchwork hobo with crimson strap is still not quite within my grasp. How?????

...and I miss someone terribly.... sighhh.... yes la, I a bit the emo today, can anot??

Tersangat emo punya zirafah... tapi cuteee...macam saya! :P