Thursday, November 23, 2006

excuse me but... ba-ka-ya-ro

Simply because...

...someone thinks it’s okay to get me to re-draft a more than 20 pager document to be ready by tomorrow morning... just in case they need it.

...some people like to pdf their stuff so I can’t copy and paste it. So now I'm a typist!! How cool is that?

...some fat-assed overpaid CONsultant is breathing down my neck eventho there's still 3 whole days to my deadline. Haloooo... got 3 more days OK. Get a life. Go shag someone/something.

...approximately 230.5 hours to D-Exam-Day and I’ve only covered say 16.2% of the study notes... not even the required reading. Even if I don't eat sleep and shit, still not enuf time. Can die anot I ask you???

...someone waved a packet of Twisties in front of me and I’m in the mood to stuff myself silly with over-processed artificially flavoured food. I possibly weigh more than five Nicole Richies and I’ve stopped going to the gym oredi kay... don’t do this to me.... is the official launching of the Mazda 3 and the showroom is like less than 15 minutes away. Jalan oso can sampai..... butttttt..... I gotta work. Got 20 pager document to re-draft... pissed.

...I haven’t gone out for weeks!! Not the leisurely “window shopping, boys/girls watching” kinds anyway. Besides coming to work, I do go out, to pay my bills. Ughh. I-think-about-you-day-and-night dreamy Coach soho signature patchwork hobo with crimson strap is still not quite within my grasp. How?????

...and I miss someone terribly.... sighhh.... yes la, I a bit the emo today, can anot??

Tersangat emo punya zirafah... tapi cuteee...macam saya! :P