Friday, January 19, 2007

the most depressing day of the year

I should have stayed in bed.

What I really really need right now is a drink. Maybe a couple more after that. But I'm still tired still sick so I'm actually grounding myself at home tonight. Total bummer.

It's not something I had not expected or predicted to happen. It's just... well... disappointing that I got it right. It's no fun when you predicted something to go wrong and it actually did. Then you wonder how come the good predictions don't materialise. That's so WRONG.

It's funny you know, this thing about expectations and reality. Being one who doesn't ever discount all possibilities in any situation, I thought I had mentally prepared myself should the outcome be less than rosy. Actually I knew it will not be good. It's just a question of HOW not good. So, if I already knew this was inevitable, and had braced myself for it, why do I then still feel like crap? So much so I don't particularly feel like talking or working at all today. Logically, I should at least be a bit pleased that I actually had such an accurate foresight, eh? No?

Almost 10 months ago, I kinda knew that the "other things I could do with US$360" investment will totally go down the drain. And today I proved myself right.

Damn proud OK.

Gotta go sit on toilet and think think whether I wanna try again.

Monday, January 01, 2007

how to be happy, according to me

I think as humans we tend to worry too much and hence we are often planning. Other times, we rationalise ourselves silly, trying to find out the reason why. We hesitate too often, don't take actions enough.

Let me tell you a secret: Did you realise that while you were preoccupied at planning for the future, the future is playing catch up with you? Oh look, you're actually racing side by side. What have you done last year that you're truly proud of? Can you look back and say "Given a chance to turn back time, I would not have done it any differently"?

I found my mission.

For this new year, let's live in the now! Do what we want to do NOW and STOP telling yourself and others that you have no time. STOP saying things will change for the better next year. If all you ever do is think think think and wish wish wish, how can things possible change in the future? So STOP short changing yourself.

Do it NOW!!

Get a diving licence. Jump off a plane (I mean parachuting, of course). Go after that job you know you'll love. Dress up more, even if you're only going over to a neighbour's house for pizza. Take 2 weeks off and backpack across Eastern Europe, Italy, Russia, Turkey or wherever (the office will not, disappointingly, fall to pieces without you). On the next island holiday, wear that bikini you bought 5 years ago but never worn coz you worry you'd look fat in it. Give more to charity. If it's not life threatening, leave the office by 6pm and make it home to dinner with the family or friends. Do one thing that challenges you and pushes your physical and mental boundary to the limit.

Do it because you want to, not because you have to.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, sometimes it's OK to put yourself first. In our society we are often taught to put others' needs before our own. As adults, we sometimes feel like we have to fufill people's expectations of us because we're all grown up and responsible. And there are just too many people to contend with - family, bosses, peers, society and yes, even ourselves.

It feels like a burden.

Well, you don't have to carry the whole weight of the world on your shoulders all the time, y'know. Let someone else carry it for a change. The world looks different when you're not looking at the ground. I promise.

I realise now that it's the small small things in life that truly matters. Yah yah, I know that's so very passe. From now on, I'm going to do all I can in my power to be as happy as I possibly can, everyday, taking care to avoid being committed to a mental institution.

The best part is, I know it's not going to be hard.


Happy New Year babes! Have a good GOOD one ahead!!