Tuesday, March 24, 2009

here we go aclimbing again: d minus 37

So the plan is to seriously get myself reasonably fit before we go aclimbing again. For the state that I'm in now, I'm no better than a potato on a couch.


Because I have weak knees and there's nothing much I can do about it, the aim is to strengthen other parts of my leg muscles, such as the quadriceps, hamstrings and the calves, to compensate for it. These are simple exercises that I can do at home.

Here's a link to an article on weak knees and the recommended exercises: http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0KGB/is_4_5/ai_n6033426/

Just strong legs are not enough. I also need to have certain endurance to last the whole trek. We're talking about 8-10 hrs of walking y'know. So with this in mind, I've settled on interval training on weekends and if I have the energy for it, certain weekdays too. Generally, interval training involve repetitious periods of high intensity workout followed by periods of rest/low activity. This training program is used to start off long distance runners but also good for people like me who's adverse to stressing the knees too much.

And to demonstrate how serious I am about this whole climb Mt K for the last time ever, I plan to walk the staircase from the basement parking all the way up to my office on level 15. And maybe walk down. Twice a day. Next month onwards. Must mentally prepare myself first bah.