Tuesday, April 28, 2009

here we go aclimbing again: d minus 2

I learned about this alternative route way back when I first attempted Mt K. The boys of the group chatted up this bunch of UK Babes (because they were studying in the UK and were climbing in unthinkable warm factor eschewing spaghetti strap tops and shorts) who did this trail. Although in awe at their gungho-ness, I thought we were pretty clever we took the shorter Summit Trail. After 6 hours of heaving our butts all the way up to the Laban Rata Resthouse, I can't imagine taking one more step and a longer route is, basically, a suicide job.

Who knew I would walk down this path one day...

OK, let me explain why. The Mesilau Nature Resort to the peak (Low's Peak) is about 2 km longer compared to the Summit Trail, making it a total distance of about 10.5 km. But the Mesilau Trail is less steep and offers a more scenic climb that will hopefully distract me from my sufferings. The Summit Trail, though shorter, is an up-up-up hike, not unlike climbing a staircase with giant steps. For me with the creaky knees and what other age-related ailments, this route makes more sense.

In short, we like Mesilau Trail because:-

1) More scenery = more photo opportunities = happiness
2) Try something new this round
3) Not so punishing

But when my friend who went on the Mesilau Trail recently told me he took 10 hours to get to Laban Rata Resthouse, it started to sound not so appealing at all. I mean, imagine: Me sitting in front of the computer 12 hours a day, sleep 6 hours, eat 2 hours, drive 2 hours, and miscellanous activities for the remaining 2 hours. Then, like a kink in the nice straight line, whisk me away from my everydayness and throw me into the jungle and expect me to survive for 10 hours. Reeeeally now...

I dunno why I sound so collected as I sit here and type this.... COZ I'M NOT!

This whole situation is crazy and I'm crazy for going along on the ride.

Shite.... is an understatement.

I do this everytime before I climb something, don't I?