Monday, October 31, 2005

it's a hap-hap-happy day!

Working today is a waste of time. I don't even know why I'm here.

Oh wait, I do know. I gotta finish up this top secret thing...shh. It's almost done anyway. Just waiting for the other party to revert with comments. In between the ding dong-ing, I've actually got quite a fair bit of time on my idle hands. Which is why the bad girl is blogging during office hours :P

There's only 2 working days this week and so as predicted months ago, half the town population would be away for the whole week. I'm not complaining. Traffic's excellent. Fewer morons on the road. Minimal phone calls and no 20 new emails after lunch break. Also to my great joy, there's still a stack load of toilet tissue at this hour. On normal days the stock would've been depleted some 2 hrs ago, and I would be forced to dash (coz I'm a JIT sorta person) all the way back to my office (which is on the other end of the building) and rummage my drawer for the packet of soft 4-ply tissue. Alternatively, dash to the ladies downstairs and roadkill several smokers in the stairwell while at it. Anyway, enuf toilet drama.

I personally don't fancy taking a day off on days like these. Why ar? Bekos har, all the bosses not around. Customers oso not around. Come in here and shake leg for a few hours, OK ma. Can save my leaves for days when I truly need them (like to get away from fire-breathing bosses). I guess my colleagues also share the same sentiments coz they're around too!

Till Wednesday. Adios!

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Women on the road (Part 1)

Because I know there'll be more postings on this topic in future.

What a week! And it's only Thursday.

I'm so friggin pissed off. This one hell incompetent of a woman driver banged my car at a traffic light stop. Some cars at the front scooted up a bit and every other car behind followed suit la. We moved probably like 0.5 meter? Suddenly I felt a bump. I looked up in the rearview mirror. No, she wasn't yakking away on the phone, and neither was she so short until she can't see over the top of the steering wheel. So why la? Forgot you gotta break isit?

Traffic light turned green, so I signalled to the left to stop our cars at the side so as not to obstruct traffic. As I make my way towards the curb, this kanasai perempuan casually drove pass me!! WTF?? That bitch!! Your mother teach you to just drive away after you bang someone's car isit?? Now, I'm admittedly ill-equipped to handle situations like this. Do I chase after her? Or do I go down and inspect my car first before I decide whether it's worth it to chase her? Or should I just go straight to the nearest police station and put her car plate number on the blacklist? I'm in no mood to go on a neck-breaking bloody car chase, so I let it be. The damage couldn't be much coz it didn't feel like a 9.9 on the Richter scale. I was right. The paint on my bumper cracked and some from hers got attached.

But the ultimate morality question is, which human with a brain and conscience just drive away like that?? I'm a reasonable person and usually not fierce. And I can totally understand how women can be lousy drivers, in general. At least get down from your car and apologise for dreaming away while you're driving/being an ass driver coz you got kopi-o licence/whatever. You fuck up, you apologise. It's that simple. Don't they teach you this in school?? No manners...

People, watch out for a metallic silver Honda WGL 1055. There's a bitch behind the wheels. Give her the universal finger sign while at it.

Hey lady, if I EVER EVER see your CB face again, you can be sure that I'll walk over and ask how your mother/grandfather is doing!

Friday, October 21, 2005

This cannot be happening...

You see, I have this habit of sleeping on my side. And you know how sometimes you get these unsightly creases on your skin especially if you sleep in one position long enuf? But it goes away in an hour or so, right? So when I woke up yesterday and started covering my face with paint, I noticed these two fine lines at the corner of my right eye. I checked the left eye... dun have wor. Good, it's a temporary thing. No biggie. I assumed wrinkles would be consistent. If right eye have, then left eye oso must have... like a mirror ma. (Yah, I know I think funny)

But but but... this morning.... it's still there!! OMG!!! There must be a logical explaination for this! I slept on my side again. It's a freaky discolouration. Most importantly, it's T-E-M-P-O-R-A-R-Y!! During lunch, I got my colleague to squint real hard and stand like 2 inches away eye-to-eye. Conclusion: She thinks I'm paranoia. But I really am not *pouts* I know my face and I would know additional features when I see it.

I tell you... it's karma for not listening to my parents! They always warned me I'll get either an infection or wrinkles from rubbing my eyes too much. Can anyone tell me why only the bad predictions ever come true?? I know that growing mature is inevitable and a natural progression, but the reality is oh so cruel.

Hmm.... maybe it's bekos I've gained some weight and so my cheeks are fatter and it compressed the skin around my eyes whenever I open my mouth. Plausible, no? I'm currently in a mild not-pleased-at-all funk. Altho it's nothing a round of retail therapy couldn't fix... hahaha.


BTW, I'm not narcissist eventho I started off this blog with a beauty crisis. OK-la OK-la.. perhaps a little more vain than I care to admit. But which girl isn't??