Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall

I always make it a point to note down the "first"s in my life.

First time I ate snake meat. (tastes like chicken)
First time I got stranded in the middle of nowhere with no mobile phone or pay phone in sight. (more on that next time, maybe)
First time I made a chestnut explode in the microwave.
Et cetera…

Today mark yet another "first" milestone.

Ladies and gentlemen (drum rolls please), I give you…

First time I fell in the gym, while running on the treadmill no less.

A lady staffer came to my rescue and whacked the emergency stop button coz silly me was still trying to get up on the 8.0km/hr treadmill. When it stopped, I ended up like some stunned cicak on the floor. Hands and legs all over the place. My precious precious W800i also followed its owner and tumbled coz the headset wire was not made to extend the length from the treadmill console to the ground I was sitting on.

FYI, it was my first time trying out the cool walkman software. Loaded it with heart pumping songs to last me an hour. I barely managed the 4th song.

Then I very macho like that stand up and announced I'm a-OK. Look look see see, OK-la, it's not so bad. No bleeding or damage to knee structure or what nots. A lot of bruising and raw skin showing tho. Surprisingly it didn't hurt at that time. I think it has something to do with pain not registering when you're in shock. Of coz it stings like hell now la. Dunno how I'm going to shower tonite.

Anyway, I calmly collected my stuff and made small talk to the girl on my right. She told me it's her first time there today. Whoa, just your luck. I assured her that it doesn't really happen very that often. None that I have seen, and it's the first time for moi, at least within the gym vicinity. She suggested that I probably pushed myself too hard. Which is quite true coz I'm trying to get as much exercise as I possibly can before I go mountain conquering on Friday. Not like it would make much of a difference but it's the effort that counts, right??

Then this guy staffer came and offered me some consolation: Don't worry bout it (smile smile), happens quite often. I responded with a haha, oh really?? and mumbled yah rite. Thankfully it's a public holiday and the gym's not too crowded. Luckily too there's not a cute guy in sight. Now wouldn’t that be extra embarrassing! I may never go back there again.

My heroine came with one band-aid. After taking a closer look, she offered to bring me more. In the end I had 2 on each knee. Good thing there's nary an event I had to wear a skirt to in the next one week. One plaster is kinda macho. Several means I'm a klutz and accident prone. I should probably have HAZARD tattoo-ed on my forehead.

It's not the first time I fell in public places. My earliest memory of taking a tumble was when I was 7. It must've been like my first week in school. I probably fell while trying to cross a small drain. All I know is my dark blue pinafore got drenched in brown mud, coz it had been raining.

I also fell at the grand opening of the Giant hypermart in USJ. Very much older now so I had the good fortune of having all the laughing faces of the see lais and uncles seared into my brain. Also at a backlane of some shop houses, on drain covers made from rough cement. That would explain all the holes in my jeans. No, they're not there to make me look cool so that I could hang out with all the lala muis. I also sprained my knee once when I executed a bad jump over a 4 ft wide drain. Was immobile for one whole week. Therefore you see, the inexplicable foolish fear of ever jumping across a drain for my entire life henceforth.

They say taller people have higher gravity points and tend to fall out of balance more. Now, I'm not very the tall. I'm simply the girl who can fall walking in slippers on flat ground. Quite an accomplishment. I think I'm special.

And since I subjected my precious phone to the fall test, I am proud to declare that I found no visible dents or scratches. This is IT, my frens. The ultimate phone anyone should get if you're planning on changing one soon. I'll report back if it starts to act funny.


SaSa said...

very humourous entry. *smile* well, all of us have this klutz thing going on actually. I remember i got my heel stuck in this drain in town, and i fell straight face down on the floor in the shopping centre. and it was a connection with a train station. i totally understand what you mean about the pain between the wound and the humiliation. Well, im glad you took it all positively. Hav a nice day!