Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Women on the road (Part 2)

Told you there'd be a sequel.

You know what's more dangerous than a woman driving a car???

Guess guess guess

A woman driving a bus!!!!! Or any other motorised vehicle with more than 4 wheels.

It was a bright and early morning. I was in my small car on the way to work. Traffic's excellent! The radio was playing some nice ditties that got me humming along happily. Clearly, it was going to be a good day.

Then, I noticed this bus behind me, on my right, obviously going faster than what the sticker on their back said was the max. Not very slowly, the bus caught up with me, travelling side by side now and well on it's way to zoom further ahead. I can see the driver was a woman, being the whole point of this entry anyway.

Tiba-tiba hor, without even an antagonistic honk, the bus cuts into my lane!!!! (like so in the red line below). It was aiming for the bus stop like 20 meters and 3 lanes away.

WAHLIAO!!!!!!!!!! What crazy people drive like that la???!!

I jammed the brakes and the butt of the bus missed me by inches. INCHES!!! Panic gila wei!!! Luckily no car tailgating me, if not sure kena accident teruk.

In all my life of kena bullied by bus drivers, this has to be the most scary case. No matter what, men bus drivers are not so reckless!

Woman driving buses... that my friends, is possibly what's more dangerous than a woman driving a car.