Tuesday, May 22, 2007


I'm not fast enough and I can't run long enough. I'm only doing 8.1km/hr on the treadmill instead of at least 8.5km/hr. This won't do.

Conversations amongst colleagues are getting quite animated recently, bordering on cartoonish if I may say so. Just last week I discovered I was anal. This week I'm apparently aggressive.

Today I discovered the digit ratio.

"The digit ratio is the ratio of the lengths of different digits or fingers typically measured from the bottom crease where the finger joins the hand to the tip of the finger. It has been suggested by some scientists that the ratio of two digits in particular, the 2nd (index finger) and 4th (ring finger), is affected by exposure to androgens e.g. testosterone while in the uterus and that this 2D:4D ratio can be considered a crude measure for prenatal androgen exposure, with lower 2D:4D ratios pointing to higher androgen exposure.

2D:4D is sexually dimorphic: in males, the second digit tends to be shorter than the fourth, and in females the second tends to be the same size or slightly longer than the fourth. However, homosexual men tend to have a higher 2D:4D digit ratios than heterosexual men."

Source: Wikipedia

My ring finger, if I measure it correctly, is exactly 6mm longer than the index finger. By far not a measurement I would say “close” to equal length.

Dr. John T. Manning of Rutgers University, in his book Digit Ratio, said that this correlates to a personality which tends to be logical, decisive, and ambitious.

So I speak my mind. I tell off people who cut queue and put them in their place. I'm not likely to keep silent then seethe away with anger. I speak up against injustices and stand firm in what I believe in. I ask for something if I want it bad enough. I know what I want and I go after what I want.

Very the aggressive meh??

Maybe that's why I sometimes think I'm more macho and decisive than a lot of guys out there. I can handle my own bags, thank you very much. Once, my guy friend gave me this advice: If a guy offered to help you out with your luggage, don't turn him down, coz it makes him look bad in public. Whatever. If I can do it myself, why should I let others do it for me? Go find some other damsel in distress to rescue.

But, in the best interest of all male ego out there, I have stopped carrying my own heavy stuff if a knight-in-shining-armour-on-a-white-horse happen to offer help.

Yes, I'm still anal.