Thursday, July 05, 2007

that's not what's on my mind

He leaned against the wall, casually, with his arms propped up along the edge. He then gave me a sideways glance and half-heartedly drawled, "So, do you come here often?"

He seriously can't be serious.

I gave it a second or two and in his same cool demeanour, I answered in the nay. I had a mental picture of myself, shaking my head in dismal and sighing, wondering how in the world I always manage to get myself into situations like this. He had to be at least 40, with squinty eyes and a thin moustache.

"Do you live nearby?"

"Near enough. Just opposite actually." OMG..... why am I offering information??? I'M SO STUPID.

"Oh really? I live in Puchong. I visit my daughter everyweek and bring her here." He's trying to tell me something. It wasn't an outright admission, but there was enough information for me to draw certain conclusions. He's saying he's divorced/separated. He spends time with his kids.

"If you don't mind me saying, you don't seem like you're very good at this."

"Well, I'm not. It's been so very long since I last came here."

"Well... I could give you some tips."


"If you don't mind giving me your number, I could call you and maybe we can meet up."

Now, the deal is this. Here I am focusing hard trying to get my body to relearn things taught to me 15 years ago. This is so distracting, so inappropriate, so NOT ON!!

"Nah, that's alright. I don't see myself coming here very often. Besides, I'm sure I'll improve with practice. Thanks." With a swift kick, I drifted off and as far away as my muscles can muster.

This is EXACTLY why I don't like going to public pools.


I've been so crazy busy lately it's not funny. I feel like throwing up whenever I hear the word "work". Or prospectus. Or circular. Or meeting. Can you believe I am to have a discussion with my boss this Sunday evening?? Talk about no life.....

But no matter what, I will still find time to go to the Dive Expo this weekend. Yes, I've finally finally decided to do something (besides talk) about it. If things goes as planned, I could be doing the thing Jessica Alba does so well in Into the Blue by say, end this year. Happiness!