Tuesday, August 14, 2007

rat a too eeeee

I haven't been this super kiasu in a long long time. Ratatouille premiers here on August 16th, but I saw it oredi, thanks to a friend of a friend who's got some special premier passes.

I lurveeee the short film, Lifted. It's sooooo funny. It's about a young alien taking his abduction test. Reminds me of me taking my driving test HAHA

Of all Pixar animations I've seen, I like this the best. Truth be told, I have no idea what the story is about and in my standard lazy fashion, didn't bother to even google it. I'm so glad I quietly crept out of office, drove 1 hour in massive jam and rain, and skipped dinner to go catch this. Heh.

Pixar always have such original ideas and they somehow manage to inject soul into their film, something you don't see in a lot of so-called blockbuster film nowadays. Their characters are not plain good or evil, but flawed, that you sometimes see yourself in their shoes. They're so real, like you and me, be it the kind monster, overweight superhero or the determined mouse.

You know, Pixar can teach us some lessons in life, don't you think?