Tuesday, November 27, 2007

games people play


And I don’t dare tell my family coz they will ban me from working late ever! And that means no more staying out late too.

Today was another late day, as usual. I was feeling tired, bluesy and all I wanted was to get home. The roads were empty, save for a couple of cars, mostly going faster than the speed limit; quite the norm at this hour.

I wasn’t going slow but I wasn’t too fast either. I was driving at my own pace and had just joined the Sprint Highway. From KL, there are 4 lanes – 3 heading towards the Damansara Link toll and one heading towards Bangsar/Damansara Heights. I was driving in the middle lane of the said 3 lanes, and switched to the fast lane just right behind the govt complex. A 4WD in front of me switched lane too but he went to the fourth lane, which is the one heading to Bangsar/Damansara Heights.

Suddenly, the 4WD cut into my lane. I got shocked and gave a honk. As any other responsible driver who was suddenly made aware of another vehicle’s presence, he retreated back into his lane. Obviously he got on the wrong lane and wanted to get back on the Sprint Highway. Since I was going slightly faster, I figured I should pick up speed and go pass him so that he could switch into my lane before the road splits. Suddenly, he cut in again, with me driving faster now. So I honked him, long and loud.

It’s not that I don’t want to give way, but there was no space for him to cut in. Imagine this, we were driving side by side and his back wheels were sorta aligned to my front wheels. The road was curving and at the speed I was going, I didn’t think it was wise to jam brake. There were pillars on my left too so I couldn't go left either.

As I was passing the 4WD, I tried to catch a glimpse of the driver. It’s a driving thing. Whenever the car next to you, behind you or ahead of you tries to do something stupid, you just wanna see the face and go “ughh, woman driver” or “stupid [insert race/skin colour]”. The idiotic driver is a he with glasses and looks 40-ish.

So I just drove on, putting aside the earlier incident as another encounter with idiotic drivers. From my rearview mirror, I saw that he was trailing me real close but I can’t go any faster coz there was a car in front of me. Impatient idiotic drivers sometimes like to overtake on the left lane so I decided to stay put, and he predictably fulfilled his destiny as an impatient idiotic driver.

He zoomed off and when the car in front moved to the left, I saw the 4WD up ahead. Then, he did something I did not expect him to do. He started to slow down. I was thinking, stupid idiot is probably on his mobile or something. I mean, he was driving like a possessed idiot just a minute before. This happened on a 2 lane stretch and he was braking and matching the speed of another car on the left. We’re probably going around 60kmph, I didn’t notice. All I know he was slow and cars behind me were giving the high lights.

Strangely, he doesn’t seem to be in such a hurry anymore. I realised by now that he’s playing a game with me. I have heard so many stories of drivers like this. They’re called psychos.

When the opportunity came, I went all the way to the left and got far far away from him. I slowed down a bit and went to the cash lane. I thought he would not be bothered with me and just go off if I was delayed at the toll. But that psycho uncle waited for me!! He was going really slow. When the lanes started merging, I don’t know whether to drive ahead of him or behind. He was cruising next to me, as if waiting for me to make my next move. I wasn’t really sure if he was going to stalk me. I mean, what crazy people do that? So I decided to go fast. Really fast.

The moment I jammed my pedal, he sped up as well. When I slowed, he slowed. When I go left, he go left. He played this cat and mouse game patiently. So many thoughts went through my head. Will he suddenly lose it and ram me from behind? Or will he cut in front of me and stop his car and get out wielding a steering lock?

What do I do? Do I call someone? Who do I call? My dad? The police? How are they going to rescue me? Will it be too late?

Initially, I thought that if I drive around long enough he would eventually give up. I took the longest route home but it’s apparent he wasn’t going to let up. Further to tailgating me, he resorted to turning on his high beam as well. I know I must not drive home. There’s a police station near my place and I must take a route where there are no traffic lights. Think, think!!

I sped up and made a sharp left into a slightly quiet stretch of road. If I’m lucky, the sudden turn would throw him offguard and he’d miss it. If I’m not, he would continue pursuing me and there’s a possibility he may get bolder with less cars around. I was hoping the sudden turn will catch him unaware and slow him down a bit. He chased after my car, like a crazy dog, but thank goodness I was right.

I managed to put a wee bit of distance between us and drove like a madwoman towards the police station. I must not let him catch up!!

I turned into the police station and that psycho just drove past. I turned off my lights and parked. I wanted to make a report but for the life of me, I can’t remember what car he drove or the plate number. How to report?

After a couple of minutes, I slowly drove out, without lights on, stopping when I got to the gates and looked around for that psycho. Comforted that I had not spotted a single 4WD, I quickly drove out towards the other direction, and only turned on the lights when I turned a corner. Then I took the housing area roads to get home, lest he’s circling the area on the main roads.

I've read/heard about so many stories about road bullies but this is the first time I experienced something like this. I did not think that I would die but the thought that I might be injured or losing control of my car was terrifying! People like that shouldn't be allowed to drive!! I'm just kicking myself now for not being able to make a police report and take him off the road forever.