Thursday, December 15, 2005

sweet surrender


I'm havin ice cream for breakfast.

It's dairy, it contains some carbs, and chocolate provides me with antioxidants that will supposedly scare the bejeezus out of cancer cells from EVER contemplating even residing in this body of mine.

So ice cream is healthy. And it tastes good. And no matter what people say, things that tastes good can't be THAT bad for health.

Some food for thought for ya.

Monday, December 12, 2005

come and look at me

So I got a perm last Saturday. Been toying with the idea for some time now (and by some time I mean approximately 2.25 years) so this was, unlike any other decisions I've been known to make, a sound and calculated one. I also tested it out first with a home hair curling kit la, just so I'm doubly sure I want to do this to myself.

Against my better judgement, I went to try out a new salon as my usual hairdresser wanted to charge me a bomb. While it's a common knowledge that beauty comes with a price, I'm just a bit reluctant to spend so much on something I would potentially hate and regret. Just so we're on the same page, a perm can cost something like RM200 - RM500, depending on the length of hair, how many celebrities have frequented the salon and whether you're a guy or girl. Yup, discriminative pricing. And they call them unisex salon. Howabout some unisex pricing huh??

Anyhoo, I found a reasonably priced place with friendly looking staff. One of the hairdresser has a W800i so I picked her to do my hair. I know, not very the scientific selection process but you make do with what you have OK. Look, we've got the same taste in mobile phone so logically, similar taste in everything else. You follow? Nevermind....

I’m not a demanding person so I usually give the hairdresser free reins for them to do what they fancy to my hair. After all, they ARE the professionals and there's a reason why I pay them to cut my hair and not do it myself. Me telling them how to do their job is frankly an insult. I hate it when people do that. It’s like telling a doctor how to perform an incision. Or teaching the contractor how to drill a hole in the wall. Now if you let the professionals do their job, at the very least, you'll have a sorry excuse when things don’t turn out the way you want it to *grins*

I have only one simple request - dowan so curly. Because too curly hair will make me look like an ah sou (loose translation: stay-at-home wife with 6 kids). And looking like an ah sou would do nothing to up my marketability. And bad marketibility means I won't be fit to be brought along to some high profile meetings. Pretty people will stay away from me. I will end up in a spinster home in the depths of some impossible to pronounce forsaken town. See, the repercussions are endless. Simple request but very crucial all the same.

I have an idea of what I want my hair to look like. I was thinking along the lines of this:


... and fun

And after 4 hours of trim, wash and having hot burning rollers in my hair, I got this:

Not exactly how I pictured it huh? Although I must say, the 2nd pix made me look kinda kawai ^__^ A very rare occurence indeed. On the whole, I think it's alright. Every single sen was money well spent! I was told that a few more washes would make the curls look more natural. My transformation would be complete once I get highlights and a colour, maybe. Very soon, the sight of my sexy tresses would make all those who come into view faint from admiration and wonderment… wahahahaha.... damn angkat.

As today is Monday, I've braced myself for some guaranteed amount of stares/OTT reactions/feedbacks from the masses. And I tell you, it's all the rage in the office! People behaved as if it's the most amazing curiosity since Moses parted the Red Sea. I felt nothing short of a show horse.

And before I sign off, my list of...

Top Five Things People Say When You Sport A New Hairdo

5) How much you spent on your hair? (if a guy were asking this, he would cock an eyebrow and give you a sideways glance)

4) So cuutteeeee (now, I wasn't aiming for that, but.... I'll take it. Hey, beggars can't be choosers)

3) You got married over the weekend ar? (yah, and you weren't invited)

2) WHY??? (as in why in the world I did it. Well, I'm lost too....)

1) Wah... what happened?? (NOTHING!! Is that your compliment??? Incredulous...)

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

i carry your heart with me

A little something I "found" while watching Tru Calling last nite. And they say soaking up all this pop TV would turn your brains to mush. Bah.

i carry your heart with me (i carry it in
my heart) i am never without it (anywhere
i go you go, my dear; and whatever is done
by only me is your doing, my darling)
i fear
no fate (for you are my fate, my sweet) i want
no world (for beautiful you are my world, my true)
and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you

here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows
higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart

i carry your heart (i carry it in my heart)

~ e. e. cummings

Simply beautiful isn't it?

Monday, November 07, 2005

the girl who went up a mountain and came down...

My legs hurt like they’ve been trampled on by hippopotamuses and I still can’t feel my toes. I move at the speed of a koala bear and have trouble getting up from the toilet seat. Why oh why do I do this to myself?? Hasn’t Mt Kinabalu taught me anything at all?

Out of a sheer moment of insanity, or perhaps stupefied by the mere thought of all the free time I would potentially have, I decided on a whim to go hike up a mountain. There’s something about the great outdoors that’s very calming to the soul and keeps your reality in check. But with it being the rainy season and all, a friend did expressed his mild horror - "SIAO ARR??!" - at my idea of a holiday. Heh. Whatever.

The mountain of choice, after a methodological elimination process, was Gunung Ledang or Mt Ophir (dunno since when got engrish name). It's only 1,276m but technically still a mountain. There's a catch tho. Eventho it's elevation is that of approximately 31.2% of Mt Kinabalu (at 4,095m Mt Kinabalu is the highest mountain in South-East Asia), it has the notorious reputation of being the country's 6th toughest trekking route, and Mt Kinabalu did not even make it into the top 5, nope nope nope. It's also apparently very very mystical, like twilight zone mystical.

I tried Mt Kinabalu eons ago and barely survived it even in my limbering youth then. So it's very understandable that I was having more than second thoughts and I magnified every small injury (mosquito bite) or health impediment (one cough) I had into gargantuan proportions. But in the end, I went along coz I secretly enjoy torturing myself and most importantly, I NEED to get out of the KL/Selangor border. It's a getting-called-back-to-work phobia thing. Common in people in my line of duty.

To prepare myself for this adventure, I went and pig out on food, food, beer and more food for 2 whole days. There's something about the impending holiday season that brings out the Homer Simpson in me. Got meself a spanking new pair of cheapo hiking boots, as cheapo as they can get anyway. No point investing in something I would probably use for the first and last time. Went to gym after a whole month hiatus (hey, gotta show some effort la). If you happen to read my earlier post, you would know how that trip (pun intended) turned out.

We set off to Sagil on Thursday noon and made our way along the clogged up highway. Made a pit stop in Melaka to pick up a member and of coz, to eat - chicken rice balls, Melaka's pride. Save for the outline of fingers printed on every rice balls, I personally don’t find anything too special about them. Then again, it's probably something that's lost on me since there are almost 10,000 restaurants of like in Melaka itself.

After another 2.5 hours drive on the highway and thru some rubber estate, we finally got to the park. Met up with the park ranger who briefed us a bit before proceeding to tell us horror stories about jungle rats the size of cats! Apparently they can smell food a gazillion meters away and can chew thru our kickass branded whatever-proof knapsacks. Definitely not like those malnourished ones you find scurrying in the longkangs behind the house. We were advised to make sure there's no food lying around in the open and also to brush our teeth before we go to bed. Wouldn't want any jungle rats getting all cozy with us.

He also added, with every good intention in mind I'm sure, that only the fittest attempted successfully to go up and down the mountain in a day.


See, Alexis, our lovely team leader, has the utmost confidence that we can finish the whole route in say, 5 hours, probably 7 hours max. Obviously she forgot about incompetent amateurs like moi. She’s a very mild version of a she-Hitler and if she says we can finish it in 5 hours, WE WILL finish it in 5 hours. I understand why she’s so upbeat about this whole thing coz she’s a bloody 21km-going-on-42km marathon runner. The only marathons I ever go for are the retail types.

I couldn't really sleep that nite, a bit stressed (during holiday season? wtf??) and also coz the air conditioning in the room is stuck at only one temperature, which is COLD. The situation reminded me of the time we couldn't sleep before the hike up Mt Kinabalu and suffered the dire consequences. Translation: Fail to reach the summit.

As though someone up there heard me praying, it rained! *angels singing* I was SO relieved coz it’ll definitely be too wet to climb. Yayy! Well, the enthusiasm is, needless to say, short lived. I should've known better that a little rain could never dampen the fiery enthusiasm of a bunch of hardcore health fanatics. Rain only ma... bah. It stopped anyway.

So the adventure begins as a motley crew of 10 set off from the base of Gunung Ledang at 7am on Friday. Almost immediately we started off on a hike. No flat ground whatsoever to humour me a bit. Oh boy. Half an hour later I was already breathing madly like some 60 year old aunty, who, if it's my mum, is probably fitter than me. What little confidence I had wavered. 7 hours wehh... whatever made me think that the sporadic gym visits would help in any way??!! What if I can’t get my sorry ass to push on? What if my legs turn to jelly? So many what ifs! Maybe I should turn back now...

Suddenly, a girl was experiencing nausea and giddiness. She wanted to turn back and I couldn't be more than happy to offer her my company. I'm just thankful that it wasn't me who broke first, tsk tsk. I could never live it down. But it's kinda potong stim to give up so easily so we pushed on. Miraculously, she felt better and the hike got surprisingly easier. I'm sure there's some explanation involving altitude customisation and climbing pace and what nots, but it's allllll goooood.

There's not a lot of flat ground to walk on. It's upwards all the way. After a certain magic point - checkpoint #5 - we were served with smatterings of Indiana Jones-like obstacles. I don't know which is more painful. Blistering our unprotected hands or seeing ourselves drag our fat asses up.

Jungle flora. Some kind of fern, I guess

Another type?

Introducing Mr Lonely

First glimpse of the world above the clouds

What awaits us after that blissful view *shivers*

We exceeded out target ETA by 1 hour but it's no biggie, the way down should be faster. Had a quick lunch with a million dollar view. It's so worth it! Love the feeling of being on top of the world!

Now, this is where it got interesting. Halfway down, I realised Alexis was lagging behind. I’m actually faster than her for once! Less than an hour ago, she was prancing around like some merry mountain goat, leading the pack. Kinda worrisome too coz she had only recovered from a fever 2 days before.

My fear was realised when her hiking partner mentioned she was babbling incoherently and walking like some drunken shaolin master. The guide hastened him to catch up with us and make our way down first. Alexis was progressing very slowly and he didn’t want to get stuck up in a mountain with so many people. Makes sense, in a way.

We suddenly realised that the sky was turning dark FAST. Not good, not good. Fear IS a factor as we brisk walked and hopped our way down, hoping to catch up with the faster group. It didn't help that the paths in the forest were not properly marked. It's no wonder that we always read about people getting sesat in the forest for 2 whole weeks. How hard can it be to mark the trails?

We came to an open space with 5 paths leading away from it and we have no frickin’ idea where each leads to. You see, this is where Malaysia fails miserably at eco-tourism. We have so much to offer and yet we're more preoccupied at tossing up the biggest roti canai o_O Priorities dear people!


Pretty soon we couldn’t even see our hands in front of us. There's something about the big black darkness that magnifies every small rustle in the bush or some far away echoes of happy campers. Damn creepy wei. Of coz, it would be so uncool to lose it in front of people who I only got to know a day before, so I did what I usually do best - act cool. Kept telling myself that the worst worst thing that could ever happen now is the possibility of us spending a nite in the jungle.

OK-la, I can accept it as a big adventure coz I haven't camped in a jungle before and it's good fodder for story telling time to my future grandchildren. In a way I guess I’m lucky I got stuck with the only 2 guys in the group. They could be my modern day heroes, my pillars of strength. Rupa-rupanya, as I found out in the end, we were all actually trying not to freak each other out. Predictably, they thought I was pretty cool... for a girl... heheh...

After what seemed like forever and a day, we finally got out at 8pm, 6 hours after our target time - exhausted, dehydrated, hungry, stinky. Not to mention worried too as the guide and Alexis are still in the jungle. The faster group who got out first had been in contact with the park ranger who got word from the guide that everything's under control. And true enough, they got out 30 mins after us. Although it would definitely be more exciting if they send in a search team and helicopter. Jeez... I need a life.

What I gained at the end of the day.... construction worker's hands

All's well that ends well. I don't wanna brag, but I personally feel this a feat of great proportions. I came away feeling proud, with a great sense of accomplishment. I conquered Gunung Ledang yo!! If you want proof, I’ve got the cert hanging in my toilet. As if this is not lesson enough for us, Alexis was leading a discussion about a possible next trip, during the journey to a late dinner. Maliau Basin, Sabah. 5 days RM2.5k.

You must be kidding! But err…. yeah…. I’m looking forward to it.

Fun will never been more painful.

BTW, I highly do not recommend a cold shower after a long hike. Especially not one where you had to share the shower stall with 30 unrecognizable flying things bugs. Coz you'll get a fever which will spoil the rest of your days off. Obviously not bekos of the bugs la!

Au revoir.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall

I always make it a point to note down the "first"s in my life.

First time I ate snake meat. (tastes like chicken)
First time I got stranded in the middle of nowhere with no mobile phone or pay phone in sight. (more on that next time, maybe)
First time I made a chestnut explode in the microwave.
Et cetera…

Today mark yet another "first" milestone.

Ladies and gentlemen (drum rolls please), I give you…

First time I fell in the gym, while running on the treadmill no less.

A lady staffer came to my rescue and whacked the emergency stop button coz silly me was still trying to get up on the 8.0km/hr treadmill. When it stopped, I ended up like some stunned cicak on the floor. Hands and legs all over the place. My precious precious W800i also followed its owner and tumbled coz the headset wire was not made to extend the length from the treadmill console to the ground I was sitting on.

FYI, it was my first time trying out the cool walkman software. Loaded it with heart pumping songs to last me an hour. I barely managed the 4th song.

Then I very macho like that stand up and announced I'm a-OK. Look look see see, OK-la, it's not so bad. No bleeding or damage to knee structure or what nots. A lot of bruising and raw skin showing tho. Surprisingly it didn't hurt at that time. I think it has something to do with pain not registering when you're in shock. Of coz it stings like hell now la. Dunno how I'm going to shower tonite.

Anyway, I calmly collected my stuff and made small talk to the girl on my right. She told me it's her first time there today. Whoa, just your luck. I assured her that it doesn't really happen very that often. None that I have seen, and it's the first time for moi, at least within the gym vicinity. She suggested that I probably pushed myself too hard. Which is quite true coz I'm trying to get as much exercise as I possibly can before I go mountain conquering on Friday. Not like it would make much of a difference but it's the effort that counts, right??

Then this guy staffer came and offered me some consolation: Don't worry bout it (smile smile), happens quite often. I responded with a haha, oh really?? and mumbled yah rite. Thankfully it's a public holiday and the gym's not too crowded. Luckily too there's not a cute guy in sight. Now wouldn’t that be extra embarrassing! I may never go back there again.

My heroine came with one band-aid. After taking a closer look, she offered to bring me more. In the end I had 2 on each knee. Good thing there's nary an event I had to wear a skirt to in the next one week. One plaster is kinda macho. Several means I'm a klutz and accident prone. I should probably have HAZARD tattoo-ed on my forehead.

It's not the first time I fell in public places. My earliest memory of taking a tumble was when I was 7. It must've been like my first week in school. I probably fell while trying to cross a small drain. All I know is my dark blue pinafore got drenched in brown mud, coz it had been raining.

I also fell at the grand opening of the Giant hypermart in USJ. Very much older now so I had the good fortune of having all the laughing faces of the see lais and uncles seared into my brain. Also at a backlane of some shop houses, on drain covers made from rough cement. That would explain all the holes in my jeans. No, they're not there to make me look cool so that I could hang out with all the lala muis. I also sprained my knee once when I executed a bad jump over a 4 ft wide drain. Was immobile for one whole week. Therefore you see, the inexplicable foolish fear of ever jumping across a drain for my entire life henceforth.

They say taller people have higher gravity points and tend to fall out of balance more. Now, I'm not very the tall. I'm simply the girl who can fall walking in slippers on flat ground. Quite an accomplishment. I think I'm special.

And since I subjected my precious phone to the fall test, I am proud to declare that I found no visible dents or scratches. This is IT, my frens. The ultimate phone anyone should get if you're planning on changing one soon. I'll report back if it starts to act funny.

Monday, October 31, 2005

it's a hap-hap-happy day!

Working today is a waste of time. I don't even know why I'm here.

Oh wait, I do know. I gotta finish up this top secret thing...shh. It's almost done anyway. Just waiting for the other party to revert with comments. In between the ding dong-ing, I've actually got quite a fair bit of time on my idle hands. Which is why the bad girl is blogging during office hours :P

There's only 2 working days this week and so as predicted months ago, half the town population would be away for the whole week. I'm not complaining. Traffic's excellent. Fewer morons on the road. Minimal phone calls and no 20 new emails after lunch break. Also to my great joy, there's still a stack load of toilet tissue at this hour. On normal days the stock would've been depleted some 2 hrs ago, and I would be forced to dash (coz I'm a JIT sorta person) all the way back to my office (which is on the other end of the building) and rummage my drawer for the packet of soft 4-ply tissue. Alternatively, dash to the ladies downstairs and roadkill several smokers in the stairwell while at it. Anyway, enuf toilet drama.

I personally don't fancy taking a day off on days like these. Why ar? Bekos har, all the bosses not around. Customers oso not around. Come in here and shake leg for a few hours, OK ma. Can save my leaves for days when I truly need them (like to get away from fire-breathing bosses). I guess my colleagues also share the same sentiments coz they're around too!

Till Wednesday. Adios!

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Women on the road (Part 1)

Because I know there'll be more postings on this topic in future.

What a week! And it's only Thursday.

I'm so friggin pissed off. This one hell incompetent of a woman driver banged my car at a traffic light stop. Some cars at the front scooted up a bit and every other car behind followed suit la. We moved probably like 0.5 meter? Suddenly I felt a bump. I looked up in the rearview mirror. No, she wasn't yakking away on the phone, and neither was she so short until she can't see over the top of the steering wheel. So why la? Forgot you gotta break isit?

Traffic light turned green, so I signalled to the left to stop our cars at the side so as not to obstruct traffic. As I make my way towards the curb, this kanasai perempuan casually drove pass me!! WTF?? That bitch!! Your mother teach you to just drive away after you bang someone's car isit?? Now, I'm admittedly ill-equipped to handle situations like this. Do I chase after her? Or do I go down and inspect my car first before I decide whether it's worth it to chase her? Or should I just go straight to the nearest police station and put her car plate number on the blacklist? I'm in no mood to go on a neck-breaking bloody car chase, so I let it be. The damage couldn't be much coz it didn't feel like a 9.9 on the Richter scale. I was right. The paint on my bumper cracked and some from hers got attached.

But the ultimate morality question is, which human with a brain and conscience just drive away like that?? I'm a reasonable person and usually not fierce. And I can totally understand how women can be lousy drivers, in general. At least get down from your car and apologise for dreaming away while you're driving/being an ass driver coz you got kopi-o licence/whatever. You fuck up, you apologise. It's that simple. Don't they teach you this in school?? No manners...

People, watch out for a metallic silver Honda WGL 1055. There's a bitch behind the wheels. Give her the universal finger sign while at it.

Hey lady, if I EVER EVER see your CB face again, you can be sure that I'll walk over and ask how your mother/grandfather is doing!

Friday, October 21, 2005

This cannot be happening...

You see, I have this habit of sleeping on my side. And you know how sometimes you get these unsightly creases on your skin especially if you sleep in one position long enuf? But it goes away in an hour or so, right? So when I woke up yesterday and started covering my face with paint, I noticed these two fine lines at the corner of my right eye. I checked the left eye... dun have wor. Good, it's a temporary thing. No biggie. I assumed wrinkles would be consistent. If right eye have, then left eye oso must have... like a mirror ma. (Yah, I know I think funny)

But but but... this morning.... it's still there!! OMG!!! There must be a logical explaination for this! I slept on my side again. It's a freaky discolouration. Most importantly, it's T-E-M-P-O-R-A-R-Y!! During lunch, I got my colleague to squint real hard and stand like 2 inches away eye-to-eye. Conclusion: She thinks I'm paranoia. But I really am not *pouts* I know my face and I would know additional features when I see it.

I tell you... it's karma for not listening to my parents! They always warned me I'll get either an infection or wrinkles from rubbing my eyes too much. Can anyone tell me why only the bad predictions ever come true?? I know that growing mature is inevitable and a natural progression, but the reality is oh so cruel.

Hmm.... maybe it's bekos I've gained some weight and so my cheeks are fatter and it compressed the skin around my eyes whenever I open my mouth. Plausible, no? I'm currently in a mild not-pleased-at-all funk. Altho it's nothing a round of retail therapy couldn't fix... hahaha.


BTW, I'm not narcissist eventho I started off this blog with a beauty crisis. OK-la OK-la.. perhaps a little more vain than I care to admit. But which girl isn't??