What little memories captured with my ever faithful SE w800i.
Yesterday I went to my bro's gf's colleague's wedding. Lucky bugger fell ill and I had to be the replacement. Trust me, he's more glad that he's sick and avoided the whole mingle with gf's colleagues thingy. It was OK, considering I know not anyone there and they were all very very nice. As all Chinese wedding dinner goes, it finished late. Not late late but late enuf for a day before a work day.
I must say tho that I'm bloody amazed by my bro's gf's manager (or something). He is like THE ultimate ladies' man. I have NEVER SEEN any one person commanding so much attention from women.
I don't know if it has anything to do with his semi celebrity status but I'll give it to him, he sure puts on the charm. Calls everyone darling. Don't misunderstand, I'm not speaking in contempt. I'm just so bloody amazed at all the attention he got without asking for any. Like bees to honey.
I definitely think he upstaged the bride.
Sighh.... I've got shit load of work but instead of diligently cracking my skulls over how to do this asinine evaluation, here I am blogging nonsense. How to finish like that??