Sunday, January 01, 2006

another one bites the dust


A blink of an eye and another year has gone by. Seemed almost too fast now, doesn’t it?

Last year we had a new Prime Minister and I'm damn proud of him coz he said he'll go after the asses of all the corrupt officials. So far, he's been a man of his words.
Last year I missed many a movie coz I was over working. Don't see how that's gonna change this year too.
Last year most of my friends changed jobs and found something more exciting. Lucky buggers (and I meant that in the nicest way possible!)
Last year I attended more weddings than the year before and will probably attend more in years to come.
Last year I discovered I had wrinkles and figured I should start investing in anti-aging creams.
Last year I learned that it's easy to lose a friend, and even easier to not do anything about it.
Last year I decided to quit being so kay poh over people's birthday coz it's not like my efforts were appreciated.
Last year I argued with a friend and hung up on him. He called back and apologised. We have since agreed to disagree.
Last year I learned to pick myself up coz sometimes even your closest friend can't be there for you all the time.
Last year I learned that things can and do work out in the end, if you don't mess with it too much.
Last year I realised I'm just as happy sipping Sarsi out of a paper cup in the company of people who are important to me, on a New Year's eve gathering.

Quite a bit eh? And I achieved all that without a single resolution last year. Although I'm not very prone to keeping resolutions, I still made this whole list of 'em (see below) in case I got aimless throughout the remaining 364 days.

For 2006, I resolve to:

1) Sponsor a child. Anywhere, be it through a local body or international. But I would go for locally. Help our own people first ma.
2) Sleep more. At least 30 hours from Mondays to Fridays and 16 hours on weekends.
3) Exercise more, next week onwards. No more lousy excuses for not waking up at 7am every Saturday for jogs. And for goodness sake, UTILISE the stupid gym membership I have, if not for the conscious effort of trying to stay healthy, at the very very least for the exorbitant membership fees I pay every month.
4) Not curse or wish evil things at the insane drivers I meet every morning.
5) Be less sarcastic. Ughh… who the hell am I kidding? I will probably break this resolution in the next 5 minutes. Hmm… OK… TRY to be less sarcastic.
6) Not come home in a “high” state on Fridays. Or at least not let my mum catch me in the act.
7) Travel more. Admittedly, this is a fluke coz I have already booked and paid for return air tickets to Solo and Siem Reap. I’m SO BROKE now which is why I need to…
8) Save more, to facilitate the above and also so that I could start my own venture and be MY OWN BOSS. Does 20% of my monthly net salary sound good?
9) Use more brains on my job. Yes… I'm afraid I wing it most of the time and I depend wayyyyy too much on my mentors. How I last so long I do not know…
10) Control my temper. To hold my tongue at times I feel the need to lash back at anyone and not sound so annoyed/pissed off whenever someone annoy/piss me off (only under circumstances where I can let it pass. I can’t stay calm ALL the time… I’m not a saint y’know).

So after going through the list above two times, I've decided that only two of them are realistic enough. So I'm definitely keeping 1 and 7. The rest... well... we'll see how it goes. Do you know of anyone who breaks resolutions faster than moi??? You make some and then you break some.

Cheers!! Happy 2006!!!

May Tuesday be an uneventful working day!