Tuesday, March 27, 2007

wedding bells are gonna chime

A flood of people getting married!

Wahh... everyday like got something interesting happen laidat. Everyday oso got something to blog about.. hehehe

It's finally happening. My childhood friends have all grown up and moving on to the next stage in life.

To the happy couple, Dav & Steph...

(stolen from
www.maximillianandus.com, with permission)


Details are sketchy coz they're still in France (UK?) as I type this. One thing's for sure is he pulled out all the stops. I can boldly declare that it's 9 out of 10 girl's ultimate dream proposal. Curious as to how high he set the bar??

*drumrolls please*

Dav proposed to Steph on top of Eiffel Tower kay!!! On bended knees in front of all the camera wielding tourists some more. TRY AND TOP THAT!!!!

Now, I don’t think I’m a very wedding, marriage and a baby carriage sort of person. Yet, I found myself getting so very excited and deliriously happy when my buddy dropped the bomb, so much so that I couldn't stop grinning and all I could say was OMG OMG OMG for the next 10 minutes. And I’m not the one who proposed/got proposed some more.

He mentioned that things are moving pretty fast and it’s a blur. Well... it IS a HUGE deal... a lifetime "in sickness and in health, till death do us part" commitment you know. But my principle has always been if it’s the right one, if you’re meant to end up with him/her forevermore sooner or later, then there’s no question about it being fast or slow. Agree?

I wonder if I'll be invited to the bachelor’s night party...hmmm.... I am, after all, closer friends to the future groom and his cronies. Besides, they always seem to forget that I'm a girl... if that doesn't qualify me, I dunno what will.

Again, congrats to the happy couple!! Looking forward to what I know will be an absolutely beautiful wedding!!

Monday, March 26, 2007

no more zoom-zoom

I went shopping yesterday, and all I wanna say is.... no more zoom-zoom. Haihhhzzzz. After a few tough weeks, the big-haired bespectacled calculative aunty me finally wrestled the impractical impulsive bimbotic other me to the ground.

Soaked in bloodied defeat.

I blame it all on my economics and finance double majors in uni.


Was in a meeting until 630pm-ish and came back into the office round 730pm-ish. Found this in my inbox: "You look so stressed this afternoon," he said. "Get a cosmopolitan on me."

2 things about him:

1) Colleague, different department, very limited contact. Suffice to say I hardly know the guy. In fact, I didn't realise we're on non-work related talking terms.

2) Sometimes he can be nice but I always thot he tend to sound kinda... err... anal, whenever he speaks. (I know, I know, I not nice but that's really what I think ma. Now change la)

2 things about me:

1) Yes, I am a little stressed. But I am woman and I am strong! I don't let something little like stress get me down. Mind over matter... ohmmmm....

2) Even if stress do get me down, I don't wear it on my face. Must maintain macho and look totally in control. Kiasu-ism to the max!! Manatau... FAIL kau kau -___-

Final 2 things:

1) It's funny that I come across as emotionally vulnerable. Like, you know, I needed someone to rescue me.

2) It's nice that someone actually bothered to check. And a someone who I thot was anal some more. (Dear Mr Cosmopolitan, so sorry I think about you that way. I change now OK?)

Sunday, March 25, 2007


Yesterday we went to Rakuzen for me bro's belated birthday dinner.

Happy 24 dawg!! (or pig, to be more accurate)

Anyway, I remember not quite liking Rakuzen@Hartamas. Service was slow and food quality's so-so only. Was a bit apprehensive about trying out this Subang branch but we didn't want to go to Shun again and personally, the occasion also calls for something more up-market i.e. more expensive. I lose "good sister" points if I go kiam siap on his birthday la y'know.

It's a good thing I made a reservation coz the place was packed! The queue was out of the door... chiat lat. But they "lost" my table....


Apparently a girl with the same name and same party of 5 came like 10 minutes before, and they gave it to her instead. Next time must make reservation under a canggih name like Malibu or Smirnoff or Bacardi. Don't like it when people share my name and take my table, hmphh.

The manager was very apologetic about it and promised to get me the first available table. It seemed like a genuine mistake and with all the activities that's going on, I can understand la. After about 10 minutes I got a table upstairs, which turned out to be a better deal coz upstairs, we sit on the tatami with the hole thingy under the table. Very Japanese, very cool.

With the crowd and all, service was as good as it gets. And the food, well, I'll let the pictures speak for themselves.

We had 12 types of main course and appetizer and 2 types of dessert. Menu's pretty extensive and they do have items not on the menu, if you know how to order la. Food's good and unique. Just look at the dessert for proof. Sashimi is fresh!! I whack all myself..hahahaha. Total bill came to about RM300, which I think is reasonable. Oh, and green tea is on the house.

Seriously quite good *rubs big tummy*

Address >>
No.13, Jalan SS15/5A
47500 Subang Jaya

(Place is pretty obscure, easily missed. It's opposite SJMC, not the Windmill row but the other across the mainroad row. Neighbours with D'Tandoor and Gin Ryu Tei)

Tel >>
03 5880 4717
(Reservation recommended)

Opening hours >>
11.30am - 3.00pm, 6.00pm - 11.00pm (Mon-Thurs)
12.00 noon - 11.00pm (Fri-Sun & public holiday)

Thursday, March 22, 2007


How do you tell someone he's being an insensitive bastard?? Maybe it'll help if I'm insensitive too.

It shouldn't matter. And it doesn't. But this I have to say:

Just where do you draw the line??

Friendship comes in many varieties. It would be nice if relationships are all black and white but realistically, they're all shades of gray.

Whilst I'm open to the idea of being on speaking terms again, it's not something I would embrace with arms wide open. In fact, I would be very OK if we had stopped talking from that day henceforth. I don't see how it's possible to go back to before but I'm trying to keep an open mind. I do believe it's far easier and less complicated to cut ties. Wash my hands clean just like that.

So for you to go and make me doubt myself, as to why I even bother to try, well, this is why I don't call you anymore. Deep down, I know this will not work out. My heart is just not in it. I have a lot of doubts as to the sustainability of this acquiantenceship and you have done nothing to alleviate it. Sure, we used to talk, but we were never such good friends to begin with. I get along better with the security guards down at my office.

For the moment, to you, I limit the friendship to hi-bye and how's work. If you ask me about my holiday plans or career plans or anything which I feel will give you a too personal glimpse into my private life, I may or may not want to tell you. I'm not obliged to. I will be civil but I will not be radiating with warm rays of sunshine and Care Bear rainbows.

But what are you trying to do here??

Yes, do tell me that you have recently hooked up a nice girlfriend. I will be happy for you. But don't then proceed to complain about not having enough personal time and freedom to do your own things. I heard that one before. You took a long walk around a big bush to hint that I was the root of all that misery once. And to tell me this after saying all that to me makes you a bloody hypocrite. I'm a magnanimous woman, not a saint. I don't know how to feel pity for you.

So your relationship with said girl has evolved pretty quickly. You've met each other's family, extended family, yadda yadda yadda. And what else, you've spent nights at her family home and you don't even sleep at your own place when you do go back home? You don't say. This is really something I don't have to know. It's hardly an appropriate topic for small talk and borders on too much information. Why you felt compelled to share all this with me, I don't know.

I seriously think you're fucking with my mind. It pisses me off big time hearing all your stupid ranting. When I said you're the worst person in the whole world, I truly mean it although it sounded like spoken in jest. My feelings aside, don't you find it very disrespectful to her? How would she feel if she knew the things you told me? For who speaks of their new beloved in such fashion?

I wouldn't want to be her. And I'm glad I no longer wear her shoes.

Friday, March 16, 2007

lose some to win some

3 months notice?? 3 whole months??!! Can I say I don't want it???

Erm.... I can't say I'm estatic. But I don't have a good enuf reason to be upset too. Besides, it's generally accepted as "good news". It's just hard to feel positive when you're sleep deprived, when you've got nothing but work and deadlines on your mind, and every damn dusty thing is getting sucked into your lungs coz the nasal passage is blocked for the past 2 days.

Not feeling very articulate at all.

Today I got called to the boss' room, again. What could it be this time? I scrambled for my notebook and tried my darnest to remember all the key deadlines of projects under my care.

"Here you go, your letter." Oh.

"Heh, I thought you were gonna give me more work."

"Well, that will come. With this, you gotta work harder now." You mean I haven't been working hard enuf?? There must be something in the law that says it's a crime if a person put in an X amount of time in the office. An abnormally excessive X amount.

"But I HAVE been working hard since late last year." OK, on second thoughts I shouldn't have said that. Tongue faster than brain... it's a flaw I cannot fix. I sound like a whiner. She smiled. I wonder what it meant. Is that an acknowledgement? Or a "you'll see" smirk?

All I really really want now is to jet away to some island which is so extremely isolated from civilization that there's no cellular coverage or internet access. Must have DVD player tho coz I'm bringing along my Grey's Anatomy collection. I'll wear only boardshort, bikini top and flip flop all day every day and learn to surf. When I'm hungry I'll walk along the stretch of beach cafes and enter whichever establishment that strikes my fancy. I'll order pina coloda and read Haruki Murakami and Milan Kundera and Kiran Desai. Yes, ALL of them. When night falls, I'll gaze up on the millions of stars blanketing the sky like diamonds, and mull about how very very tiny and insignificant we really are.

Sounds like I need a holiday in Bali. But must throw phone away.

Hawaii oso can. But seriously must throw phone away.