Tuesday, July 17, 2012

too sensitive or not sensitive enough?

This piece of news appear on FB today.

Dear all, please be aware when you are at outside, no matter where you are, especially at the parking inside the mall.
This incident happened on 16/7/2012 which is yesterday night around 10pm at 1 Utama Shopping Center, old wing LG floor car park. An old man got punch by a malay guy, and he got robbed. There is no security guard around at all, and we cant even find a security guard that time. After reaching of the security guard, they want us to stop taking photo and keep chasing us leave, they are trying to cover up the issue.
And the best thing is, when I call 999, I got scolded by the police =.= "eh! cakap melayu, cakap melayu..." Excuse me sir, I know malay, I'm just kinda panic at the moment because I'm used to speak english most of the time. And it take almost half an hour for them to come over. There is a police station at Taman Tun right? Why took so long? What if people dying? This is seriously unacceptable.

Please share this to all of your friends, love one, family, strangers.. Nowadays no matter shopping complex, or wherever are no longer safe, we gotta take extra care to our self, must be extreme alert when we are at outside. Share! Share! Share!

I thought this was a kind gesture to warn the general public since the newspapers have not reported it. Like the woman who wrote on FB of how she was abducted from the carpark of The Curve.

So, imagine my horror and disgust when this whole thing spiralled into a racial issue. All because the author said the uncle was robbed by a Malay guy and the policeman chided her when she spoke in English. Ugh. Granted the uncle could be mistaken. Malay guy, Indonesian guy, Myanmar guy, a very tanned Chinese guy, all same colour. So what if it's a Chinese or Indian who robbed the uncle instead? Would it alter the crime in any way?

Even if it's really a Malay guy, she's merely stating a fact. Have we become so close minded to the point where we cannot or should not talk about race openly? We can't take things at face value anymore. It seems everything has a racial or political undertone. You cannot call an Indian keling (a colloquial word used to describe people originating from India, now considered a derogatory reference) anymore because that's racist. Calling a Chinese mata sepet (squinty eyes) is equally racist too, even though it's not entirely off the mark. And Malays, well, apparently you cannot even use them in the same sentence with "punched by a".

You should do a google search and see what certain bloggers (especially one that goes by the nick headbomb) and their commentators are writing about cina sial (fucking Chinese?) because of the FB post above. So totally taken out of context.

Let's stop turning everything into a race issue, ok? This was a crime. Someone got hurt. The author just wants people to be wary and stay safe. End of story.