Thursday, July 12, 2012

of moral decay

I am angry that snatch thefts has yet again caused the senseless death of a woman.

I am sad for humanity as it was reported that several passers-by did not stop to help the injured woman or at the very least call the police or for an ambulance. It took the 8th person to finally do something about it. How have we, as a society, become so apathetic? I wonder if things would be any different if the first person had helped.

This reminds me of the 2-year old girl who was ran over twice and ignored by 18 passers-by in Foshan, China. A scrap-picker aunty eventually pulled her to the side of the road but it was too little too late by then.

We are Malaysians. We care a lot. We are one of the most generous people when it comes to charity and helping the needy. And yet, this happens. How many times have we seen something bad happening, and decided to not get involved? Even if a thief try to rob someone, if everyone gets involved, surely we will prevail. Sometimes I can't help thinking that it's general apathy that has led to criminals being more daring nowadays.

We are more educated than our parents, but our social values are way inferior. Education is supposed to make us better people, not more selfish. Where have we gone wrong?