Wednesday, December 20, 2006

me and KT

I don't know how to name this post. It's not an album review but I do want people to know how great she is.

Currently in my CD player: KT Tunstall.

I now understand the big fuss over her. I’ve got her CD in my player everyday, at home, at work, playing in a loop. She’s an excellent writer and singer. Very very talented. Whatever she went through writing those songs, I can identify with those emotions. Each and every of her song seemed to be speaking my mind. She's psychic.

How so? Well...

Things has been crap in the past 2 months.

“Under this national rain cloud / I'm getting soaked to the skin / Trying to find my umbrella / But I don't know where to begin / And it's simply irrational weather / I can't even hear myself think / Constantly bailing out water / But still feel like I'm gonna sink” - Under the Weather

I’m trying to resolve it all, one by one, coz sometimes there’s just no rushing things.

“And when I find the controls / I'll go where I like / I'll know where I want to be / But maybe for now I'll stay right here” – Silent Sea

I find it hard to find the rights words to the things I should say and want to say. To him:

“So you think it's funny / That you’ve been calling me all of the time / Everyday / Oh honey, don't want to be following and falling behind / If you're gonna be walking away / And I don't know / Why I wouldn't follow / Wouldn't follow” – Stoppin’ the Love

What I would want someone to say to me:

“Everybody sails alone / But we can travel side by side / Even if you fail / You know that no one really minds” – Heal Over

Well, amidst all that’s happening, I’ve got at least something figured out.

“Suddenly I see / Why the hell it means so much to me” – Suddenly I See

That's my life at the moment, packaged in a neat little CD

All this emo-ness aside, she's really quite good. Worth checking out. Hands down, one of my all time favourites.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

something stupid

I must be channeling some really nasty karma.

Last Friday, close to midnite, when I was done with my work, I deleted the 250-pager document which I was supposed to circulate in the next 10 minutes and which coincidentally contains my whole week worth of work. From the server OK. And I don't have a backup. It's surprising I had not thrown the PC off the balcony and even more surprising I lived to tell this tale. So my studying plans went down the drain and stress level hit sky high.

And yesterday, my left eye got so swollen I actually had limited vision. My eyes oredi damn small. And now can hardly see anything. Had to wear sunnies to the office. Damn poser can. Can't put eye make up bah. And I'm doing charity by not scaring anyone early in the morning. Planned to clear my work then take the half day off, so I actually went to the office sans make up. First time I do such a thing. But as all good plans go, it failed brilliantly.

Then after a long day, I finally can go home. Finally. When I got to my car, I couldn't find my keys in my bag. OK, what I have is actually a small knapsack. Handbag too small and not useful la. Always wanna kena snatch some more. So I emptied the contents and still I couldn't find it. So I stuffed everything back in and made my way back up to my office, where my keys presumably fell out.

And guess what? It wasn't there. Nor was it anywhere around or near where I sit.

Normal people would panic or maybe curse until Lady Liberty blushes, but me, heh, a stupid thought hit me. Well, maybe not as stupid as the person who thought it. So I made my way back down to the car and as suspected, there it was.... in the ignition. The way I had left it there when I arrived in the morning. It would be comical had it not been so so ARRGHHH.

If anybody wanna steal a car, please call me. I will leave the keys in the ignition and if you open the coin box there, you will find an exit pass thus ensuring you of a safe and convenient drive out.


Thursday, November 23, 2006

excuse me but... ba-ka-ya-ro

Simply because...

...someone thinks it’s okay to get me to re-draft a more than 20 pager document to be ready by tomorrow morning... just in case they need it.

...some people like to pdf their stuff so I can’t copy and paste it. So now I'm a typist!! How cool is that?

...some fat-assed overpaid CONsultant is breathing down my neck eventho there's still 3 whole days to my deadline. Haloooo... got 3 more days OK. Get a life. Go shag someone/something.

...approximately 230.5 hours to D-Exam-Day and I’ve only covered say 16.2% of the study notes... not even the required reading. Even if I don't eat sleep and shit, still not enuf time. Can die anot I ask you???

...someone waved a packet of Twisties in front of me and I’m in the mood to stuff myself silly with over-processed artificially flavoured food. I possibly weigh more than five Nicole Richies and I’ve stopped going to the gym oredi kay... don’t do this to me.... is the official launching of the Mazda 3 and the showroom is like less than 15 minutes away. Jalan oso can sampai..... butttttt..... I gotta work. Got 20 pager document to re-draft... pissed.

...I haven’t gone out for weeks!! Not the leisurely “window shopping, boys/girls watching” kinds anyway. Besides coming to work, I do go out, to pay my bills. Ughh. I-think-about-you-day-and-night dreamy Coach soho signature patchwork hobo with crimson strap is still not quite within my grasp. How?????

...and I miss someone terribly.... sighhh.... yes la, I a bit the emo today, can anot??

Tersangat emo punya zirafah... tapi cuteee...macam saya! :P

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

bak gu dunno english

HAHAHAHA damn funny buey tahan!!

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

no regrets

Life is funny, when you think about it.

To me, Life has been a series of coincidences. Some good, some bad, but eternally linked. Like how some things are meant to happen and that's just the way they are. Almost like fate.

I understand, I accept, for the longest time now, that things happen for a reason. Bad things don't happen just because. Some good has to come out of it, like a hidden agenda. There has to be a silver lining. I'm foolishly optimistic in that way.

Perhaps that's why even when Life doesn't go the way I hoped it would, it has always had this funny way of working out. It may not be what I want at the end of the day, but turned out to be what I need instead.

Like how this happened because of that. But if that didn't take place, then this would not happen at all. Two events that are independent and yet intertwined, where one would not have existed without the other. Two different endings hanging on one insignificant decision.

If given a choice (and the foresight) to do it all over again, I would stubbornly choose to make the same bad decision. I rather that happened so that I could have this - my silver lining.

You know the part where Robert Frost once lamented of how "Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both"?

Consider this: What if both roads lead to the same point? Would it matter then which path you take? Given the chance, would you choose to rehash and rewind? Why?

I'm at peace, strangely contented with the way things are at the moment, even though Life had not gone the way I wanted it to.

Monday, August 14, 2006

gender un-biased

It was meant to be a routine nothing-exciting-ever-happen day. It still is actually but as I was minding my own business filling up an e-form, I stumbled upon something not often seen, and will probably never be seen in my dear old conservative country. Everything's pretty standard; first name, last name, mailing address, etc. Pretty boring, until I got to this column:

Turns out I have an additional choice. This is so darn fascinating.

Only in America.

Friday, June 16, 2006

it's like i'm losing my mind

This whole business of being sick (and staying that way) has totally fried my brains, I’m certain. I’ve been getting these weird dreams day after day. I woke up tired and dreading the drive to work, coz it felt like I haven’t slept at all.

Just yesterday, I dreamt I was in this bicycle entourage, touring to dunno where. You know, something like those big adventures we have in Primary 2. Anyway, there were a bunch of us, almost 10 persons. None of them are my friends or anyone I barely know. Funny how I can dream up normal looking stranger faces. Everyone has a super kick-ass mountain bike. Everyone except for me, that is. All I got was this lousy chair with wheels at the bottom, like those upholstered office chairs.


Not sure how I managed it but I was side by side with the group at all times wherever they went. However, at one point, the chair became just a chair – hard, wooden, no wheels. Although it doesn’t make much sense, I was thinking “Hmm.... this is quite a predicament, isn't it?”

Reminder to self: No matter how much common sense you think you have, all of it goes out the window when you’re sleeping.

I wonder if my dreams are trying to tell me something. You know, people say dreams are often a reflection of reality. If you dreamt of flying, it signifies control, freedom, success or power. If you dreamt of being naked in public places, it means you’re feeling vulnerable or have a fear of being ridiculed. But if you dreamt of getting around the town in a chair as your main means of transport, that’s just weird!

I hope the next time I get stuck in a ridiculous dream like this, I’ll slap myself silly and go back to sleep.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

jogja earthquake

A massive earthquake with a magnitude of 6.3 rocked the ancient city of Jogja at 5.54am today, leaving thousands dead in its wake. Most of the people were still asleep, hence catching them offguard. Up until now, there are no confirmed numbers as to how many had perished in this disaster.

May their souls rest in peace.

Monday, April 24, 2006

i'm sky high

And there I stood, in greatest awe... and trepidation...

...just what have I gotten myself into this time *groans*

To be honest, I went with no expectations, not knowing what to expect. All I was told was, reverse bungee jump, ball thingy, wires, and some other vague descriptions. In my mind, I was trying to imagine how it would look like. It's bungee so some part of my legs would be tied, rite? Maybe "G-Force-X" is a roller coaster, coz that's what it sounds like. A very exciting roller coaster.

But I kid myself.

There was the ball thingy, as promised. Attached on its sides are cables, not very big reassuring ones but ones that would instead become the rubberband in a slingshot. They strapped us down, just a buckle and shoulder harness. Doesn't feel like it's enough when we would go flying through the air. I pulled the harness as far down as it would go.

Once they felt we were ready, they told us to relax and the ball started to tilt backwards! I was looking at the sky, a soothing blue on a sunny slightly overcast day, a day that would be perfect for a little picnic. But here I am, fingers all cold and clammy.

Should I close my eyes? No... then I can't see anything. Open? I'm pretty sure all I would see is a blur of colours. Should I bother? In the midst of contemplation, they launched us into the air, like a slingshot. I hate it when people do that.

My eyes can hardly open, as much as I will them to. Partly due to panic, partly the force from the speed. At the peak of the launch, the ball rotated! Scary. The pull back was less powerful than I expected and the ball "bounced" 3 more times and rotated some more along the way before we came to a stop. I'll say, the ending was a bit of an anti climax.

But I did it! I survived the G!

OK, no more stupid pacts after this.

Monday, April 17, 2006

sick and tired, crazy and bored

Dav asked what I’ll be doing this coming Saturday. Does he mean besides the usual eat sleep and vegetate? Judging from the look he gave me, I got this vague feeling that we had made some plans but I conveniently forgot about it.

“Did I erm... made some plans for the weekend?”
“Oh. Err... like what?”
“Reverse bungee jump.”

Oh shit!! Did I really???

“Ahh... how come I don’t quite remember saying I’ll do it this weekend wan?”
“Got la.... you think and see.”

And he was right. We did talk about it and we did agree to do it, one month ago.

See, a little bit more than a month ago we were both lamenting about how our lives are so boring, that nothing exciting ever happens. We work eat sleep, rinse and repeat. Monotony is something I detest with passion and well, I got trapped in it. Curses.

Hence the bright idea that we should do something new every month. For our first venture, we were split between indoor rock climbing or the reverse bungee jump. My excellent idea is to do indoor rock climbing first, then reverse bungee jump one month later. Boys and girls, this is how you shoot yourself in the foot. It appears I have a talent for this.

I haven’t tried bungee jumping before, more so a REVERSE one at that. My stomach is already churning as I'm typing this out. Can die!! Come the weekends, I’ll probably morph into this unrecognizable heap of nervous wreck. Let's hope I don’t get a bladder malfunction during the ride.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

loose ends

Sometimes it feels like we’re doing a crazy tango. One step forward, two steps back. Round and round and back together again. Is this something I want? I didn’t expect it to be so hard, so confusing.

It shouldn’t be.

The other day, someone asked me what is it that I expect from a relationship. I suspect many would agree that it’s hard to pinpoint to one single thing, or even to a couple for that matter. After giving it some thought, I told her mutual respect and a relationship that helps you grow into a better and more mature person. What a model answer, but doesn’t that just sound so dead boring??

Sure, those are important. You can call them building blocks to a strong relationship. But it's not enough. Above all, what’s more important, is a sense of belonging. Like how watching a comedy alone and going on the roller coaster alone leaves us feeling kinda empty, none of us really want to go through life alone. Ultimately, it's the companionship that we're after, isn't it?

Oh, and let's not forget passion. It’s the one thing that people don’t openly admit to wanting. The feeling that you’re so wanted by someone – mentally, emotionally and physically. Of coz, never excessively till bordering on possessiveness. That's a different category altogether.

To me, it’s important that my other half is a friend. A great friend, in fact. Someone I can tell anything to without reservations because I know he wouldn’t judge me. He wouldn’t hesitate laughing at me when I cried watching An American Tail. We would have debates on who's the best superhero. He would understand my drama and think nothing more of it.

We would spend time together, and then some time not together. He'll understand my need to have my own space and grow as an individual, and that it doesn't mean he's secondary to anything. He should know when to console me and know that it doesn't take more effort than just a hug and maybe some ice cream. He wouldn't say things he doesn't mean, just because it'll make me feel better.

He should call when he said he would.

He wouldn't make me wait and make up excuses for him. He will be honest with me and not make me anxious and insecure. He wouldn't make me guess where we stand with each other. He would enjoy spending time with me because he wanted to, not because he felt he had to.

This is what I feel I at least deserve. It's not very demanding bah. It may be a tall order (to some lesser guys out there) but I believe I'm worth every bit. I have the ingredients to make an excellent girlfriend, to the right guy of coz, heh.

We'll see how it goes. Till then, au revoir.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Women on the road (Part 2)

Told you there'd be a sequel.

You know what's more dangerous than a woman driving a car???

Guess guess guess

A woman driving a bus!!!!! Or any other motorised vehicle with more than 4 wheels.

It was a bright and early morning. I was in my small car on the way to work. Traffic's excellent! The radio was playing some nice ditties that got me humming along happily. Clearly, it was going to be a good day.

Then, I noticed this bus behind me, on my right, obviously going faster than what the sticker on their back said was the max. Not very slowly, the bus caught up with me, travelling side by side now and well on it's way to zoom further ahead. I can see the driver was a woman, being the whole point of this entry anyway.

Tiba-tiba hor, without even an antagonistic honk, the bus cuts into my lane!!!! (like so in the red line below). It was aiming for the bus stop like 20 meters and 3 lanes away.

WAHLIAO!!!!!!!!!! What crazy people drive like that la???!!

I jammed the brakes and the butt of the bus missed me by inches. INCHES!!! Panic gila wei!!! Luckily no car tailgating me, if not sure kena accident teruk.

In all my life of kena bullied by bus drivers, this has to be the most scary case. No matter what, men bus drivers are not so reckless!

Woman driving buses... that my friends, is possibly what's more dangerous than a woman driving a car.

Monday, March 13, 2006

of chocolates and others...

My colleagues often possess this generous courtesy of getting everyone chocolates from the airport whenever they travel overseas. I don't usually scoff all of it at one go coz good chocolates are meant to be savoured one at a time, when the mood is right. Not when you're stressing or PMS-ing.

So I didn't think it was particularly amusing when I found an unwrapped Baci Perugina on my desk this morning, with its top slightly nibbled off. And my premium piece of Dubai chocolate that comes in a cute teeny bag, gone. And what's that?? My pack of M&Ms left half opened on my in-tray.

There's a chocolate thief in the house. And a sadistic one at that!


On a totally unrelated topic, I decided yesterday to resurrect my foray into academics. As a student of course, minus the late party nites and boozing laidback student lifestyle I got in university.

I must be insane to put myself through the whole net present value and return on investment shebang, again. Why I say again is because Ms Genius (not!) here have attempted this before and failed the December 2004 papers with such glory, despite it being a mere repeat and rehash of only just, you know, the entire 3 years syllabus of my degree program.

Now, the deal is I don't really fancy failing the same exam twice, especially not at such a senior age. My young cousins happen to think I’m rather clever and I hate to shatter their perfect vision of me. Gullible infants. Of coz, parents, bosses, peers and anyone above the age of 10 all know better. Am I capable of juggling a somewhat demanding so-called career and ace a bitch of an exam paper? I guess it’s time to put my claims of great time management skills to test.

As any decent economics graduate, I analysed the opportunity cost of every decision I would take. In this case, the accounting cost of taking the paper and how I could alternatively and wisely spend the money. I paid US$360 for this paper, which translates to approximately RM1,368. With this amount of moolah I could...

.... get a camera. The uber cool Sony Cybershot DSC-T9 to be exact. One camera is never enough. I need another one which is small enough for me to sneak into concerts and such.

.... get an mp3 player. I’ve been eyeing iPods ever since they rolled off the production line back in 2001. Don’t quite understand why I never got around to getting one because it’s a toy for the cool cats out there and I’m a cool cat. Me-oww.

.... splurge on a very sexy very classy very “I-seriously-cannot–afford-it” dress suit from Zara. My parents will probably skin me alive if I blow close to RM1,000 for a piece of body covering. But if I could look like I walked out of an advertisement, I don’t see how that’s a bad thing.

.... contribute to my Retirement Car Fund. The sum forfeited would work out to approximately 1/50 of the 10% down payment for my retirement car, which is usually driven by either some balding fat mid-life crisis bloke or stick-insect lookalike supermodel cum mistress. Since I don’t have the assets to hook a rich boyfriend who’ll give it to me as a birthday present nor inherit it, I guess I have to do what other normal people do - EARN IT!!

So this is what I’m giving up to torture myself with an exam. The last time I attempted it, I could have spent 1 week in Europe, when airfare and airport taxes are a bit cheaper. I suppose this is a small price to pay for future fame and glory eh.

Autographs, anyone?

Sunday, February 26, 2006

almost a victim

Sometimes crimes doesn't seem real enough until it happens to you or someone close to you. We humans are positive thinkers and you know, bad things only happen to someone else. Yesterday tho, I experienced crime as an involved party.

I met up with a bunch of friends at SS2 for a mamak session and it was almost 1am when we were done. My friend and I were walking side by side towards our cars when we heard a fast approaching motorcycle from behind. He stepped to the left, me to the right. Call me paranoia or whatever but I instinctively held my bag up to my chest and leaned to the side of a car parked by the curb.

Almost as if I can predict something bad about to happen, the pillion rider gave me a hard kick on my back. My butt to be exact. Actually I was bracing myself for a serious bash on the back of my head with a helmet. Somehow at that very moment I recalled the article I read yesterday morning itself about how a girl from Johor was hit on the head from the back. Had I not been leaning so close to the car, I would definitely had fell down and injured myself.

I think what happened was those thugs wanted to snatch my bag. But when I heard them approaching I held it up with my back facing them, so they couldn’t possibly snatch it from me. In retaliation, they gave me a boot. Either that or maybe they’re just some sick assholes who like kicking girls for fun. I don’t know. But whatever the reason is, it’s malicious and their aim is to inflict harm.

I don’t know what I could have done to prevent that episode from happening in the first place. I wasn’t walking alone in some dark quiet back lane. Neither was I flashing some blinding bling-blings. I honestly don’t think there was anything I could do that would have made any difference. As ironic as this sound, I’m just grateful that they only kicked me and did not slash me with a parang or club me over my head. I don't dare to imagine what could've happened if my friend wasn't with me at that time.

An acquaintance of mine was not so lucky. She went to her boyfriend’s house and was waiting for the gate to open. In that short period of time, a guy approached her and slashed her on the arms and face. He then grabbed her bag and his accomplice came by on a motorcycle and took off. It happened so fast she did not have time to react to any of it. And she’s only one of the many women I know who are victims.

Why is crime so prevalent in our society nowadays? We hear about young girls being raped, victims of snatch thieves lying in coma, people being gunned down, and it seemed to only get more notorious and violent by the day.

Perhaps there's a flaw in our penalty system. It’s not like people are not aware of the repercussions of being caught. I think it’s because they know they can get away with it. I’m ALL FOR stricter punishment, cut off fingers or something. If crime doesn’t pay, let’s show them we mean it!

But underlying all this is perhaps a more serious social dilemma. Let's look at it this way: No child growing up aspires to be a robber or thief. I would like to believe that people turn to crime as a last resort; because they can't get a job, because they don't earn enough to feed their children. Some does it for the easy way out; they don't want to toil for wealth. I don’t think people commit crime for kicks, but I’m not entirely convinced.

You would agree that people who had spent an amount of time in prison probably can’t get a decent job and turn to crime again for a living. But you can't keep them in prison forever coz they would just be living off the tax payers' money, OUR money. So do you take them off the street or do you keep them behind bars? It's very catch-22, isn't it? Either way you look at it, they are still a burden to society.

So how did it become this way? Where did it all went wrong?

Crime, with noble intentions or not, is still a crime. What goes around comes around so I will refrain from wishing their dicks to fall off or "sang chai mou see fatt" or anything along those lines. Well, maybe God can just zap them whenever they think of committing a criminal offence.

Girls, just be careful ya. Stay alert.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

memoirs of another geisha

Brought to you by the geniuses that are MADtv:

These guys are brilliant I tell you! Too farnee la.... kakakakakah. Can't stop watching... stomach ache liao...

Monday, January 30, 2006

island in the sun

No words today. Ima layzee.....

What little memories captured with my ever faithful SE w800i.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

women are like apples on trees

The best ones are at the top of the tree.

Most men don't want to reach for the good ones because they are afraid of falling and getting hurt. Instead, they just get the rotten apples from the ground that aren't as good, but easy.

So the apples at the top think something is wrong with them, when in reality, they're amazing. They just have to wait for the right man to come along, the one who's brave enough to climb all the way to the top of the tree.

Monday, January 23, 2006

i want to bla bla

I've been such a slacker in updating my blog. As usual, I've got tons of excuses for everything... lazy la, busy la, no mood la, whatever la.

Just got back from Koh Samui last last Sunday. I promise I'll blog about it or at least post some cun pictures. It was a company retreat so we took two days off last last week to boogie by the beach over the weekends.

I think everyone suffered some form of karma backlash last week coz it has been a long time since the office was bright and perky around 11pm. This is what my sleeping timechart looked like last week:

Mon: 1am-7am (technically a Tues oredi, but a day doesn't end until I sleep, so there)
Tues: 12.30am-7.30am
Wed: 1am-7.15am
Thurs: 2.30am-7.30am
Fri: 10.30pm-9.30am..... SNOREee.....

And this is on top of the sleep we totally ignored in the land that's always alive. Tired wei.


Yesterday I went to my bro's gf's colleague's wedding. Lucky bugger fell ill and I had to be the replacement. Trust me, he's more glad that he's sick and avoided the whole mingle with gf's colleagues thingy. It was OK, considering I know not anyone there and they were all very very nice. As all Chinese wedding dinner goes, it finished late. Not late late but late enuf for a day before a work day.

I must say tho that I'm bloody amazed by my bro's gf's manager (or something). He is like THE ultimate ladies' man. I have NEVER SEEN any one person commanding so much attention from women.


I don't know if it has anything to do with his semi celebrity status but I'll give it to him, he sure puts on the charm. Calls everyone darling. Don't misunderstand, I'm not speaking in contempt. I'm just so bloody amazed at all the attention he got without asking for any. Like bees to honey.

I definitely think he upstaged the bride.


Sighh.... I've got shit load of work but instead of diligently cracking my skulls over how to do this asinine evaluation, here I am blogging nonsense. How to finish like that??


Sunday, January 01, 2006

another one bites the dust


A blink of an eye and another year has gone by. Seemed almost too fast now, doesn’t it?

Last year we had a new Prime Minister and I'm damn proud of him coz he said he'll go after the asses of all the corrupt officials. So far, he's been a man of his words.
Last year I missed many a movie coz I was over working. Don't see how that's gonna change this year too.
Last year most of my friends changed jobs and found something more exciting. Lucky buggers (and I meant that in the nicest way possible!)
Last year I attended more weddings than the year before and will probably attend more in years to come.
Last year I discovered I had wrinkles and figured I should start investing in anti-aging creams.
Last year I learned that it's easy to lose a friend, and even easier to not do anything about it.
Last year I decided to quit being so kay poh over people's birthday coz it's not like my efforts were appreciated.
Last year I argued with a friend and hung up on him. He called back and apologised. We have since agreed to disagree.
Last year I learned to pick myself up coz sometimes even your closest friend can't be there for you all the time.
Last year I learned that things can and do work out in the end, if you don't mess with it too much.
Last year I realised I'm just as happy sipping Sarsi out of a paper cup in the company of people who are important to me, on a New Year's eve gathering.

Quite a bit eh? And I achieved all that without a single resolution last year. Although I'm not very prone to keeping resolutions, I still made this whole list of 'em (see below) in case I got aimless throughout the remaining 364 days.

For 2006, I resolve to:

1) Sponsor a child. Anywhere, be it through a local body or international. But I would go for locally. Help our own people first ma.
2) Sleep more. At least 30 hours from Mondays to Fridays and 16 hours on weekends.
3) Exercise more, next week onwards. No more lousy excuses for not waking up at 7am every Saturday for jogs. And for goodness sake, UTILISE the stupid gym membership I have, if not for the conscious effort of trying to stay healthy, at the very very least for the exorbitant membership fees I pay every month.
4) Not curse or wish evil things at the insane drivers I meet every morning.
5) Be less sarcastic. Ughh… who the hell am I kidding? I will probably break this resolution in the next 5 minutes. Hmm… OK… TRY to be less sarcastic.
6) Not come home in a “high” state on Fridays. Or at least not let my mum catch me in the act.
7) Travel more. Admittedly, this is a fluke coz I have already booked and paid for return air tickets to Solo and Siem Reap. I’m SO BROKE now which is why I need to…
8) Save more, to facilitate the above and also so that I could start my own venture and be MY OWN BOSS. Does 20% of my monthly net salary sound good?
9) Use more brains on my job. Yes… I'm afraid I wing it most of the time and I depend wayyyyy too much on my mentors. How I last so long I do not know…
10) Control my temper. To hold my tongue at times I feel the need to lash back at anyone and not sound so annoyed/pissed off whenever someone annoy/piss me off (only under circumstances where I can let it pass. I can’t stay calm ALL the time… I’m not a saint y’know).

So after going through the list above two times, I've decided that only two of them are realistic enough. So I'm definitely keeping 1 and 7. The rest... well... we'll see how it goes. Do you know of anyone who breaks resolutions faster than moi??? You make some and then you break some.

Cheers!! Happy 2006!!!

May Tuesday be an uneventful working day!