Currently in my CD player: KT Tunstall.
I now understand the big fuss over her. I’ve got her CD in my player everyday, at home, at work, playing in a loop. She’s an excellent writer and singer. Very very talented. Whatever she went through writing those songs, I can identify with those emotions. Each and every of her song seemed to be speaking my mind. She's psychic.
How so? Well...
Things has been crap in the past 2 months.
“Under this national rain cloud / I'm getting soaked to the skin / Trying to find my umbrella / But I don't know where to begin / And it's simply irrational weather / I can't even hear myself think / Constantly bailing out water / But still feel like I'm gonna sink” - Under the Weather
I’m trying to resolve it all, one by one, coz sometimes there’s just no rushing things.
“And when I find the controls / I'll go where I like / I'll know where I want to be / But maybe for now I'll stay right here” – Silent Sea
I find it hard to find the rights words to the things I should say and want to say. To him:
“So you think it's funny / That you’ve been calling me all of the time / Everyday / Oh honey, don't want to be following and falling behind / If you're gonna be walking away / And I don't know / Why I wouldn't follow / Wouldn't follow” – Stoppin’ the Love
What I would want someone to say to me:
“Everybody sails alone / But we can travel side by side / Even if you fail / You know that no one really minds” – Heal Over
Well, amidst all that’s happening, I’ve got at least something figured out.
“Suddenly I see / Why the hell it means so much to me” – Suddenly I See
That's my life at the moment, packaged in a neat little CD
All this emo-ness aside, she's really quite good. Worth checking out. Hands down, one of my all time favourites.