Friday, December 21, 2007

Vietnam, here i come!

I'll be on leave until next year! This is so cool!

Backpack filled to the brim (almost): Check
Roundtrip air tickets: Check
Passport: Check
Cash: Check
Panadol and charcoal pills: Check
Walking shoes: Check

I think I'm ready.

For some reason, I find that the more I travel, the lighter my backpack gets. There seemed to be less junk compared to what I had packed for Jogja, considering I'll be spending 11 days in Vietnam. I have enough change of clothes for 5 days so at some point there has to be a laundry day, or I shall be forced to wear my tees inside out.

We fly in to Hanoi. The plan is to travel down to Hoi An and maybe Ho Chi Minh City, if time permits, then back to Hanoi and poke around a bit. As usual, there's no fixed travelling plans so we'll see how it goes. Would definitely be more exciting if I could do a solo tour of Hanoi, as initially planned. Have always wanted to travel on my own to a foreign country where I can't speak the native tongue. Next time then.

I should not run out of cash this time. I hope I don't run out of cash.

Regretfully, I won't be spending xmas and new year's with family and friends this year. We have this tradition thingy. Every year, we gather all our friends and do dinner/something. It's always big, always good. Kinda sad I'll be missing out on it. Sniff. I don't care, you guys must do another gathering when I get back... OK ar. OK, set.

Haiya, will also miss out baby Ashton's full moon. Some kai-ma I'm turning out to be. Eh how come like gonna miss out on so many things wan. Eeee.... I better stop or I'll come up with a longer list.

This should be good la. Wish me luck! And pray I have enough money for souvenirs, hehe.

Saturday, December 08, 2007

album plug: The Reminder

Lovin it: Feist and La Bodega's banana and fig smoothie. They go so well together on a summery day.

Leslie Feist, a Canadian indie folk singer and songwriter with (what I could best describe as) a quietly beautiful voice. She sings stories of love and relationships, such that are poetic and honest and painful in its simplicity. Although her music seemed to cross into various genres (from the jazzy sounding So Sorry to the gospel-like Sea Lion Woman), it doesn't come across as random. It took me two spins to be completely infatuated with this album. So besotted am I that I'm currently using I Feel It All as my caller ringtone ^__^

A very gorgeous spec video of one of my fav song, Brandy Alexander, which showcases the quietly beautiful quality of her voice that I spoke about. And I think it's very clever how she likens being so in love with someone to an addiction/dependence. So brilliant, so good. Simply love it!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

won't you pose for my camera?

I still love my new-ish toy. I carry it everywhere I go now. We're inseparable.

Anyone who know me well know this: I have a strange penchant for whipping out my camera and angle for a shot the moment a plate of food settles on the table, forbading anyone to even touch a fork until I've got the perfect shot. My kind friends indulge their weird friend by staring at their food longingly until I'm done.

Saturday lunch @ Jarrod & Rawlins

It's actually work related but good food and good music somehow compensates it. Serves my favourite meal of the day, all day - breakfast. I must say the lighting at JR is excellent! Bright and soft. It's soooo hard to concentrate on work when we're happily singing along to The Temptations, Roy Orbison and Bob Marley.

I might come here again, with a novel or something.

Monday dinner @ Fukuya

The restaurant is breath taking. A long noren curtain hangs at the entrance and the usher will peel them open, revealing a huge courtyard with private dining rooms along the sides. It reminds me of those olden days houses of rich merchants. Can't believe there's such an exquisite place in the middle of town. Felt like I've accidentally stumbled into a different world.

Fukuya specialises in Kaiseki dining, which is a multi-course traditional Japanese cuisine. I gather it's something similar to haute cuisine. You can also get wagyu here.

Food is fresh and different, but the company for the night was the best! Here we are, this bunch of people I met from the Redang trip, each reminiscing about the crazy things we do in college/university. Conversation flowed easy. Can't remember the last time I had such a blast with people I've just met.

Maybe I'm getting more difficult to please as I age, but I find myself expecting more from both restaurants. Food's good but nothing to shout about. I can think of other places that serve the same quality of food at prices that would sear the pockets a bit bit less. I like Fukuya for its ambience.

Jarrod & Rawlins
No. 6, Lorong Dungun, Damansara Heights, 50480 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 03-2093 0708

9, Jalan Delima, 55100 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 03-2144 1022
Opening hours: Noon-2.30pm; 6.30pm-10.30pm; Closed on Sundays
Location map:

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

games people play


And I don’t dare tell my family coz they will ban me from working late ever! And that means no more staying out late too.

Today was another late day, as usual. I was feeling tired, bluesy and all I wanted was to get home. The roads were empty, save for a couple of cars, mostly going faster than the speed limit; quite the norm at this hour.

I wasn’t going slow but I wasn’t too fast either. I was driving at my own pace and had just joined the Sprint Highway. From KL, there are 4 lanes – 3 heading towards the Damansara Link toll and one heading towards Bangsar/Damansara Heights. I was driving in the middle lane of the said 3 lanes, and switched to the fast lane just right behind the govt complex. A 4WD in front of me switched lane too but he went to the fourth lane, which is the one heading to Bangsar/Damansara Heights.

Suddenly, the 4WD cut into my lane. I got shocked and gave a honk. As any other responsible driver who was suddenly made aware of another vehicle’s presence, he retreated back into his lane. Obviously he got on the wrong lane and wanted to get back on the Sprint Highway. Since I was going slightly faster, I figured I should pick up speed and go pass him so that he could switch into my lane before the road splits. Suddenly, he cut in again, with me driving faster now. So I honked him, long and loud.

It’s not that I don’t want to give way, but there was no space for him to cut in. Imagine this, we were driving side by side and his back wheels were sorta aligned to my front wheels. The road was curving and at the speed I was going, I didn’t think it was wise to jam brake. There were pillars on my left too so I couldn't go left either.

As I was passing the 4WD, I tried to catch a glimpse of the driver. It’s a driving thing. Whenever the car next to you, behind you or ahead of you tries to do something stupid, you just wanna see the face and go “ughh, woman driver” or “stupid [insert race/skin colour]”. The idiotic driver is a he with glasses and looks 40-ish.

So I just drove on, putting aside the earlier incident as another encounter with idiotic drivers. From my rearview mirror, I saw that he was trailing me real close but I can’t go any faster coz there was a car in front of me. Impatient idiotic drivers sometimes like to overtake on the left lane so I decided to stay put, and he predictably fulfilled his destiny as an impatient idiotic driver.

He zoomed off and when the car in front moved to the left, I saw the 4WD up ahead. Then, he did something I did not expect him to do. He started to slow down. I was thinking, stupid idiot is probably on his mobile or something. I mean, he was driving like a possessed idiot just a minute before. This happened on a 2 lane stretch and he was braking and matching the speed of another car on the left. We’re probably going around 60kmph, I didn’t notice. All I know he was slow and cars behind me were giving the high lights.

Strangely, he doesn’t seem to be in such a hurry anymore. I realised by now that he’s playing a game with me. I have heard so many stories of drivers like this. They’re called psychos.

When the opportunity came, I went all the way to the left and got far far away from him. I slowed down a bit and went to the cash lane. I thought he would not be bothered with me and just go off if I was delayed at the toll. But that psycho uncle waited for me!! He was going really slow. When the lanes started merging, I don’t know whether to drive ahead of him or behind. He was cruising next to me, as if waiting for me to make my next move. I wasn’t really sure if he was going to stalk me. I mean, what crazy people do that? So I decided to go fast. Really fast.

The moment I jammed my pedal, he sped up as well. When I slowed, he slowed. When I go left, he go left. He played this cat and mouse game patiently. So many thoughts went through my head. Will he suddenly lose it and ram me from behind? Or will he cut in front of me and stop his car and get out wielding a steering lock?

What do I do? Do I call someone? Who do I call? My dad? The police? How are they going to rescue me? Will it be too late?

Initially, I thought that if I drive around long enough he would eventually give up. I took the longest route home but it’s apparent he wasn’t going to let up. Further to tailgating me, he resorted to turning on his high beam as well. I know I must not drive home. There’s a police station near my place and I must take a route where there are no traffic lights. Think, think!!

I sped up and made a sharp left into a slightly quiet stretch of road. If I’m lucky, the sudden turn would throw him offguard and he’d miss it. If I’m not, he would continue pursuing me and there’s a possibility he may get bolder with less cars around. I was hoping the sudden turn will catch him unaware and slow him down a bit. He chased after my car, like a crazy dog, but thank goodness I was right.

I managed to put a wee bit of distance between us and drove like a madwoman towards the police station. I must not let him catch up!!

I turned into the police station and that psycho just drove past. I turned off my lights and parked. I wanted to make a report but for the life of me, I can’t remember what car he drove or the plate number. How to report?

After a couple of minutes, I slowly drove out, without lights on, stopping when I got to the gates and looked around for that psycho. Comforted that I had not spotted a single 4WD, I quickly drove out towards the other direction, and only turned on the lights when I turned a corner. Then I took the housing area roads to get home, lest he’s circling the area on the main roads.

I've read/heard about so many stories about road bullies but this is the first time I experienced something like this. I did not think that I would die but the thought that I might be injured or losing control of my car was terrifying! People like that shouldn't be allowed to drive!! I'm just kicking myself now for not being able to make a police report and take him off the road forever.

Friday, September 07, 2007

in all it's misery it will always be what i love and hated

This is the fourth time this week and all I am these days is too tired. Too tired to return missed calls. Too tired to eat. Too tired to do something about my unruly hair. Too tired to think of how tired I really am.

As I stare at this flickering screen in front of me, a forgotten memory somehow found its way back. I went through this same thing almost 2 years ago, with the Kamus Dewan and Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan being my only companions as the night gradually sheds its inky darkness. It's like deja vu all over again, except back then, that someone would call me and I'll feel better almost at once. Spineless I'll admit, but comforting.

The bright yellow smiley that cheered me up yesterday now appeared to be mocking me. I can't decide whether its perma-U mouth is less than genuine or telling me it's all gonna be ok.

And I got scolded today for blewing off (in a row) the third lunch invite from a buddy I've known for too long. I think I deserved it. If this goes on, people will stop asking me out and I'll end up bitter, lonely and friendless.


Why do I torture myself like this? Good question.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

n-n-now th-that won’t kill me

It’s days like this when I feel like faking an MC and watch cartoons all day long.

I no longer have the energy to fake a happy voice, what more pretend to be understanding to all the stupid idiosyncrasies of crazy unreasonable demanding clients. I may smile and say thank you but if I’m allowed to be brutally honest, I’ll say f*ck off and die because seriously, I’m not thankful for all this last minute issues that needs to be resolved by tomorrow morning. Your deadline’s so tight it’s tighter than a virgin ass.

Alas, I’m in an industry where calling a client a donkey to his face is a super not promoted behaviour and will be severely dealt with. That’s enough for me to swallow my almost manly ego and meekly say thank you *cough*for ruining my life*cough cough*.

Also, do I, in any way, come across as a bimbo?? Coz today, someone tried to explain to me what an apple is. As if spelling the word and describing it somehow did not get his message across, he felt it necessary to draw a picture of a big juicy apple and colour it bright red. Then he went A is for AP-PUHL. no... he didn’t really do all that, but that’s how I felt during the entire course of his long-winded ramblings.


Okay... back to work. Yes, I’m crazy. And, I don’t have a life.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

rat a too eeeee

I haven't been this super kiasu in a long long time. Ratatouille premiers here on August 16th, but I saw it oredi, thanks to a friend of a friend who's got some special premier passes.

I lurveeee the short film, Lifted. It's sooooo funny. It's about a young alien taking his abduction test. Reminds me of me taking my driving test HAHA

Of all Pixar animations I've seen, I like this the best. Truth be told, I have no idea what the story is about and in my standard lazy fashion, didn't bother to even google it. I'm so glad I quietly crept out of office, drove 1 hour in massive jam and rain, and skipped dinner to go catch this. Heh.

Pixar always have such original ideas and they somehow manage to inject soul into their film, something you don't see in a lot of so-called blockbuster film nowadays. Their characters are not plain good or evil, but flawed, that you sometimes see yourself in their shoes. They're so real, like you and me, be it the kind monster, overweight superhero or the determined mouse.

You know, Pixar can teach us some lessons in life, don't you think?

Thursday, July 05, 2007

that's not what's on my mind

He leaned against the wall, casually, with his arms propped up along the edge. He then gave me a sideways glance and half-heartedly drawled, "So, do you come here often?"

He seriously can't be serious.

I gave it a second or two and in his same cool demeanour, I answered in the nay. I had a mental picture of myself, shaking my head in dismal and sighing, wondering how in the world I always manage to get myself into situations like this. He had to be at least 40, with squinty eyes and a thin moustache.

"Do you live nearby?"

"Near enough. Just opposite actually." OMG..... why am I offering information??? I'M SO STUPID.

"Oh really? I live in Puchong. I visit my daughter everyweek and bring her here." He's trying to tell me something. It wasn't an outright admission, but there was enough information for me to draw certain conclusions. He's saying he's divorced/separated. He spends time with his kids.

"If you don't mind me saying, you don't seem like you're very good at this."

"Well, I'm not. It's been so very long since I last came here."

"Well... I could give you some tips."


"If you don't mind giving me your number, I could call you and maybe we can meet up."

Now, the deal is this. Here I am focusing hard trying to get my body to relearn things taught to me 15 years ago. This is so distracting, so inappropriate, so NOT ON!!

"Nah, that's alright. I don't see myself coming here very often. Besides, I'm sure I'll improve with practice. Thanks." With a swift kick, I drifted off and as far away as my muscles can muster.

This is EXACTLY why I don't like going to public pools.


I've been so crazy busy lately it's not funny. I feel like throwing up whenever I hear the word "work". Or prospectus. Or circular. Or meeting. Can you believe I am to have a discussion with my boss this Sunday evening?? Talk about no life.....

But no matter what, I will still find time to go to the Dive Expo this weekend. Yes, I've finally finally decided to do something (besides talk) about it. If things goes as planned, I could be doing the thing Jessica Alba does so well in Into the Blue by say, end this year. Happiness!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

japanese tetris

This is soooooo funny!! Crazy Japanese... they're the coolest!

Saturday, June 09, 2007

chubby baby

Look what I found when I came back today:

Isn't he sooooooooooooo cuteeeeeeeeeeeee

For some strange reasons, my bro decided he wanted a pet dog. We've only ever had pet fishes and even then we held flower pot burials on a weekly basis.

He doesn't have a name yet so right now I just call him doggie. Mum calls him baby, Dad calls him boy. My bro just shout out orders as if the puppy could understand him.


One more pix of the cutie! And my bro's toes.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Kuching ho! part 2 : jom makan

I think my stomach capacity expanded these last few days.

No trip is complete without a sampling of the local food. If you’re feeling a little bit hungry now, I suggest you skip this post. It's all about food!! I will not be responsible if you get electrocuted salivating against the monitor.

The following are just some must-haves when visiting Kuching...

A place that serves really good Sarawak Laksa is Golden Arch Shopping Mall located at 3rd Mile. Just look for the stall that says “Garden Laksa”. Instead of laksa noodles, they use bee hoon instead. The broth is rich like the curry laksa but it has a base of what taste like belacan. In it are also taugeh and chicken strips. Big prawns are optional. It’s the simplest version of laksa I’ve ever come across, but it’s soooooo smackalicious! I simply love the belacan and lime dip. I habiskan semua - the dip, the soup - both times!!

Something I can eat everyday until I get sick by the sight of it

Introducing the orh chien, Kuching style. Orh (oyster) chien (fry) is oysters fried in a flour and egg batter, usually with some garlic and/or coriander for flavour. Unlike the ones you find at the restaurants or foodcourts here in PJ/KL or even Penang, the orh chien in Kuching has a crispy base and looks like a pizza. Not sure if it’s the local style of making all their orh chien this way, but I had this version at ABC Seafood, one of the many foodstalls at Bukit Mata, Topspot. Personally, I have never been a fan but I’m now officially an orh chien eater convert. But my stomach says only one condition: Kuching style.... heheheh

Look at the size of those orhs! HUGE......

The barbeque chicken wings in the parking lot opposite Pasar Kota Sentosa is da bomb. Besides chicken wing, they also have barbeque gizzards and the somewhat exotic barbeque chicken kar cherng. My bro swear it’s heavenly delicious but I’m not eating no butt of anything. No way, EVER EVER. It’s not a natural anatomical part to feed on. Unfortunately, no pictures. Hungry laaa.... stomach more important!

Where a bowl of kolo mee can burn a hole in your pocket, go to Restaurant Swee Sin at 10th Mile. My bowl with big big prawns already cost RM8. The most expensive kolo mee on their menu is RM30. I dunno la what they put inside but RM30 can buy me 20 Teh-C-Peng Special liao. Much much too expensive for me. And their kolo mee is so-so only, nothing too special. However, the place seemed pretty popular with locals and tourists alike.

My favourite drink in Kuching: Teh-C-Peng Special. It’s your normal basic teh peng sweetened with gula melaka (palm sugar). Certain coffeeshops serve them with 5 layers and cincau. This one here is the standard 3 layers.

That's all for food. Hope you're hungry and planning a trip to Kuching soon!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


I'm not fast enough and I can't run long enough. I'm only doing 8.1km/hr on the treadmill instead of at least 8.5km/hr. This won't do.

Conversations amongst colleagues are getting quite animated recently, bordering on cartoonish if I may say so. Just last week I discovered I was anal. This week I'm apparently aggressive.

Today I discovered the digit ratio.

"The digit ratio is the ratio of the lengths of different digits or fingers typically measured from the bottom crease where the finger joins the hand to the tip of the finger. It has been suggested by some scientists that the ratio of two digits in particular, the 2nd (index finger) and 4th (ring finger), is affected by exposure to androgens e.g. testosterone while in the uterus and that this 2D:4D ratio can be considered a crude measure for prenatal androgen exposure, with lower 2D:4D ratios pointing to higher androgen exposure.

2D:4D is sexually dimorphic: in males, the second digit tends to be shorter than the fourth, and in females the second tends to be the same size or slightly longer than the fourth. However, homosexual men tend to have a higher 2D:4D digit ratios than heterosexual men."

Source: Wikipedia

My ring finger, if I measure it correctly, is exactly 6mm longer than the index finger. By far not a measurement I would say “close” to equal length.

Dr. John T. Manning of Rutgers University, in his book Digit Ratio, said that this correlates to a personality which tends to be logical, decisive, and ambitious.

So I speak my mind. I tell off people who cut queue and put them in their place. I'm not likely to keep silent then seethe away with anger. I speak up against injustices and stand firm in what I believe in. I ask for something if I want it bad enough. I know what I want and I go after what I want.

Very the aggressive meh??

Maybe that's why I sometimes think I'm more macho and decisive than a lot of guys out there. I can handle my own bags, thank you very much. Once, my guy friend gave me this advice: If a guy offered to help you out with your luggage, don't turn him down, coz it makes him look bad in public. Whatever. If I can do it myself, why should I let others do it for me? Go find some other damsel in distress to rescue.

But, in the best interest of all male ego out there, I have stopped carrying my own heavy stuff if a knight-in-shining-armour-on-a-white-horse happen to offer help.

Yes, I'm still anal.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

singapore weekend


Familiar view as we stroll around the Esplanade, waiting and waiting. I have not been here before.


Oo-la-la looking PBJ shots. Tastes nothing like it, but better
Y Felt like we're miles away from the hustle and bustle of it all at Breeze, a bar located on the rooftop of The Scarlet hotel. Very chichi looking lobby. I likey... must stay here one day.


Carnivore Brazilian Churrascaria. Best SGD22++ I've spent on so far. Just keep the tab on "Sim, Por Favor!" and passing passadors will empty succulent morsels of BBQ goodies onto your plate. I love buffets...

Friday, April 20, 2007

How come ar I'm where I wanna be and yet not even close to what I thought I would be? By now, I imagined I would have the whole world at my feet (and enjoying it), taking the cake and eating it (and enjoying it), etc (and enjoying it). Maybe they're right, you can't have it all. Oh, tis a cruel world....

Anyway, I found a pretty amusing read. Well, at least it brightens up my dull and lifeless day... a bit. Read on.

Be the perfect girlfriend…By Jon Wilde

Reese and Ryan fizzled out, Britney and K-Fed fell apart, and when the dust cleared, all that remained of each blessed union was a crisp pre-nup to divvy up the belongings. Which got me thinking, Why rely on a legal document to fix the end of a relationship when I can use one to create the ideal relationship? So here it is; my contract for the perfect girlfriend. Laugh at it if you will, ladies, but you are about to get some startling insights onto the male mind.

I, [print your name here] (heretofore referred to as “The Lady”), being of sound mind, have entered into a relationship with [print guy’s name here] (heretofore referred to as “The Man”). By signing below, I hereby agree to abide by all the rules as set out within this contract in perpetuity.

Clause 1: Dates
A. The Lady will eat more than a side salad.

B. The Man will not be expected to plan every date. He will be chivalrous, but he will not be the cruise director of the relationship.

C. If The Lady would like to attend an event that she knows The Man will despise, she is advised to do so with other people (See Clause 5: Extra-Curricular Activities). However, should she deem a night at the ballet, opera, or foreign movie house to be a necessity within the scope of the relationship, she should make plans (transportation, tickets, etc.) for this evening herself.

  1. By accepting this Lady-partisan date, The Man will be guaranteed one (1) date on which both parties participate in an activity of his choice—including, but not limited to: Attending an athletic event, watching a martial-arts movie, or going out for a large BBQ dinner.

Clause 2: Dialogue
A. The Lady will never discuss an ex-boyfriend.

  1. Rule 2-A above may be broken if The Lady mentions a deep and abiding flaw in the ex-boyfriend, while also discussing ways in which The Man betters said ex.

B. If The Lady wants something or wants to know something, she will ask. There will be no hints or guessing games.

C. Any cute nicknames that The Lady has devised for The Man will never be spoken in public. See Clause 6, Section A, Subsection 3 for explanation.

  1. Furthermore, The Lady may not devise any nickname that includes a diminutive or that is spoken in baby-voice (e.g., “Little John” or “Snuggle Bear”).

Clause 3: The Bedroom
During moments of physicality, The Lady will voice her wishes so that The Man knows how best to make her enjoy the experience. This is expected not only for her sake, but for his. The Man is a prideful being. He wants to know he can do everything right.

B. The Man reserves the right to his favorite side of the bed at all times, no exceptions. He may permit The Lady to rest on his chosen side if he wishes, but should he find himself tossing and turning at 3 a.m., it his right to reclaim said side with no ill will from The Lady.

Clause 4: Family
A. The Lady will not ask The Man to meet her family until at least one month of dating has been completed.

B. Upon meeting The Man’s mother, The Lady will try to learn as many of Mother Man’s recipes as possible. And yes, The Man likes his chicken that dry.

Clause 5: Extracurricular Activities
The Man will be guaranteed at least one Guys’ Night per week, chosen at his discretion. He will also retain at least two extra “floating” Guys’ Nights per month in case of an important sporting event or should an impromptu post-work visit to the bar arise.

B. The Lady can never be angry with a man for attending Guys’ Night.

C. The Lady will not call The Man more than once per Guys’ Night.

D. The Lady is encouraged to go out with her own friends as a means for keeping her independence and sense of self. However, there are ground rules for these engagements:

  1. She will not ask The Man to attend any event on the day of a televised athletic match, any event that involves the phrase “pot luck,” or any event that celebrates the birth of a child, impending or otherwise.

  2. She will not expect The Man to attend a gathering solely because the boyfriend/husband of The Lady’s Friend will also be in attendance. Misery does not make good company.

  3. No. Ex-Boyfriends. Ever.

Clause 6: Love
A. Should the two parties remain together long enough to reach Relationship Level: Serious, The Man understands that he will, at some point, be called upon to vocally express his appreciation of The Lady in the strongest method possible. When the time comes, the following rules shall govern the use of Those Three Words Which Shall Not Yet Be Spoken.

  1. The Lady will be the first party to speak the phrase. She will do so clearly and while making eye contact so that The Man knows it is he who is being spoken to. The Lady will allow the man at least five (5) minutes to respond in kind. This reprieve does not mean he doesn’t feel the same way, only that he is apt to be flustered, frightened, and suddenly stricken with cotton-mouth.

  2. After the first time the Man arranges the words “I,” “you,” and “love” into a sentence, he will not be required to do so in response every time The Lady speaks the phrase. The Lady will also accept “Me, too,” “Ditto,” or a high-five in return.

  3. The Lady will never speak the three-worded phrase when The Man is in the presence of either friends or co-workers. This is done out of respect for the mockery that is sure to result should he be forced to reciprocate while with said company.

By signing below, you agree to all rules as laid out in this contract, effectively guaranteeing that you will make The Man a truly happy person for the rest of his life, or until you realize that he is a loser who requires his girlfriends to sign legally binding documents.

__________________________Print your name



Sunday, April 08, 2007

Sandias@Damansara Heights

A cause for a small gathering and another excuse to try out a new makan place. Applause and adulations to Ivy Jie who simply insisted we go here after she vetoed my suggestion :p

Sandias is obviously (or not so obviously) a Mexican outfit. A quick google on "sandias" returned image results on... watermelons? Heh, turns out the place is named after a painting by Mexican artist, Rufino Tamayo.

We arrived 7.30pm on the dot and found that the place is very empty save for an uncle having a beer outside. I believe I'm not alone when I say we associate crowdedness of restaurant to yumminess of food. If the queue is out the door, even better. I will somehow refrain from entering a restaurant that has no patrons. It's probably the kiasu mentality at work. If everyone is going after something, it has to be good, no?

But all my hesitations were put to dead the moment I enter. The waiters were very friendly and polite. They pull out chairs, lay napkins on your lap and bring you water. Top class service. The chef even came out from the kitchen and offered to walk us through the menu. I am experienced orderer of Japanese and Italian cuisine but the only Mexican food I can identify with are tacos and nachos of Taco Bell fame. And I don't see no tacos on the menu *gasp*

Oh, here's an interesting trivia: Mr Patrick, the chef, is actually Irish. How an Irishman ended up making Mexican food is a mystery. But we thoroughly enjoyed the food. Proves that nationality is no boundaries when it comes to makan.

For starters, we settled for the Starters Platter (RM88) comprising 2 hot and 2 cold starters. There's Quesadillitas Tricolor, which are handmade masa tortillas stuffed with either mushroom, potato or cheese, and deep fried to golden brown. Looks a bit like curry puff. Taquitos Fritos are similar that they are hand rolled tortillas filled with minced chicken seasoned with cilantro and onions. Comes with fresh cream, cheese and salsa verde garnish. I lovelovelove the Ceviche. It's kinda like tomato salsa with lime juice and small cubes of dory fish. The Guacamole is chunky, nothing like those you find at Chili's or HRC. This version win hands down. Goes really well with the tortilla chips, although I would much prefer it with less cilantro.

I had the Atun Fresco en Mole Verde (RM48). In english, it's fresh tuna fillet in a green mole sauce made of pumpkin seeds, radish leaves and spices. Ooo... doesn't that just make your mouth water? Ivy Jie chose the Trucha con Salsa de Champignones (RM29), grilled sea trout served with rich mushroom sauce, which is good too.

Somehow all the girls ended up having fish. The guys opted for something with a little bit more bite. But... all oso same bite. ALL of them had Barbacoa de Cordero (RM38), charbroiled marinated lamb cutlets served with salsa and tortillas. How unexciting. At least try something different so we can get a taste of it ma, tsk tsk. The verdict on the lamb: 6 thumbs up, 3 left and 3 right hahahah

Do not be misled by the looks of the food. For something that looks decorative, it's surprisingly quite filling.

We probably sampled say 15% of the menu. Mr Patrick highly recommended the Chile Ancho Relleno, a somewhat rather traditional Mexican dish. There's like cheese, lamb and refried beans all stuffed into this huge chili. We're talking stuffed chili big enough to be a meal on its own. Wow. Must try next time.

Something in their dessert menu caught our attention - Ciku Pudding. All of us thought it's try-worthy but too bad don't have. So we decided to head somewhere else for dessert.

I noticed also by the time we're halfway through dinner, the crowd started to pour in. Seems like people at this part of town take their dinner late. The crowdedness/yumminess theory is right after all. We were just early.

44 Plaza Damansara
Jalan Medan Setia Dua
Bukit Damansara
50250 Kuala Lumpur

03 2095 8431

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

wedding bells are gonna chime

A flood of people getting married!

Wahh... everyday like got something interesting happen laidat. Everyday oso got something to blog about.. hehehe

It's finally happening. My childhood friends have all grown up and moving on to the next stage in life.

To the happy couple, Dav & Steph...

(stolen from, with permission)


Details are sketchy coz they're still in France (UK?) as I type this. One thing's for sure is he pulled out all the stops. I can boldly declare that it's 9 out of 10 girl's ultimate dream proposal. Curious as to how high he set the bar??

*drumrolls please*

Dav proposed to Steph on top of Eiffel Tower kay!!! On bended knees in front of all the camera wielding tourists some more. TRY AND TOP THAT!!!!

Now, I don’t think I’m a very wedding, marriage and a baby carriage sort of person. Yet, I found myself getting so very excited and deliriously happy when my buddy dropped the bomb, so much so that I couldn't stop grinning and all I could say was OMG OMG OMG for the next 10 minutes. And I’m not the one who proposed/got proposed some more.

He mentioned that things are moving pretty fast and it’s a blur. Well... it IS a HUGE deal... a lifetime "in sickness and in health, till death do us part" commitment you know. But my principle has always been if it’s the right one, if you’re meant to end up with him/her forevermore sooner or later, then there’s no question about it being fast or slow. Agree?

I wonder if I'll be invited to the bachelor’s night party...hmmm.... I am, after all, closer friends to the future groom and his cronies. Besides, they always seem to forget that I'm a girl... if that doesn't qualify me, I dunno what will.

Again, congrats to the happy couple!! Looking forward to what I know will be an absolutely beautiful wedding!!

Monday, March 26, 2007

no more zoom-zoom

I went shopping yesterday, and all I wanna say is.... no more zoom-zoom. Haihhhzzzz. After a few tough weeks, the big-haired bespectacled calculative aunty me finally wrestled the impractical impulsive bimbotic other me to the ground.

Soaked in bloodied defeat.

I blame it all on my economics and finance double majors in uni.


Was in a meeting until 630pm-ish and came back into the office round 730pm-ish. Found this in my inbox: "You look so stressed this afternoon," he said. "Get a cosmopolitan on me."

2 things about him:

1) Colleague, different department, very limited contact. Suffice to say I hardly know the guy. In fact, I didn't realise we're on non-work related talking terms.

2) Sometimes he can be nice but I always thot he tend to sound kinda... err... anal, whenever he speaks. (I know, I know, I not nice but that's really what I think ma. Now change la)

2 things about me:

1) Yes, I am a little stressed. But I am woman and I am strong! I don't let something little like stress get me down. Mind over matter... ohmmmm....

2) Even if stress do get me down, I don't wear it on my face. Must maintain macho and look totally in control. Kiasu-ism to the max!! Manatau... FAIL kau kau -___-

Final 2 things:

1) It's funny that I come across as emotionally vulnerable. Like, you know, I needed someone to rescue me.

2) It's nice that someone actually bothered to check. And a someone who I thot was anal some more. (Dear Mr Cosmopolitan, so sorry I think about you that way. I change now OK?)

Sunday, March 25, 2007


Yesterday we went to Rakuzen for me bro's belated birthday dinner.

Happy 24 dawg!! (or pig, to be more accurate)

Anyway, I remember not quite liking Rakuzen@Hartamas. Service was slow and food quality's so-so only. Was a bit apprehensive about trying out this Subang branch but we didn't want to go to Shun again and personally, the occasion also calls for something more up-market i.e. more expensive. I lose "good sister" points if I go kiam siap on his birthday la y'know.

It's a good thing I made a reservation coz the place was packed! The queue was out of the door... chiat lat. But they "lost" my table....


Apparently a girl with the same name and same party of 5 came like 10 minutes before, and they gave it to her instead. Next time must make reservation under a canggih name like Malibu or Smirnoff or Bacardi. Don't like it when people share my name and take my table, hmphh.

The manager was very apologetic about it and promised to get me the first available table. It seemed like a genuine mistake and with all the activities that's going on, I can understand la. After about 10 minutes I got a table upstairs, which turned out to be a better deal coz upstairs, we sit on the tatami with the hole thingy under the table. Very Japanese, very cool.

With the crowd and all, service was as good as it gets. And the food, well, I'll let the pictures speak for themselves.

We had 12 types of main course and appetizer and 2 types of dessert. Menu's pretty extensive and they do have items not on the menu, if you know how to order la. Food's good and unique. Just look at the dessert for proof. Sashimi is fresh!! I whack all myself..hahahaha. Total bill came to about RM300, which I think is reasonable. Oh, and green tea is on the house.

Seriously quite good *rubs big tummy*

Address >>
No.13, Jalan SS15/5A
47500 Subang Jaya

(Place is pretty obscure, easily missed. It's opposite SJMC, not the Windmill row but the other across the mainroad row. Neighbours with D'Tandoor and Gin Ryu Tei)

Tel >>
03 5880 4717
(Reservation recommended)

Opening hours >>
11.30am - 3.00pm, 6.00pm - 11.00pm (Mon-Thurs)
12.00 noon - 11.00pm (Fri-Sun & public holiday)

Thursday, March 22, 2007


How do you tell someone he's being an insensitive bastard?? Maybe it'll help if I'm insensitive too.

It shouldn't matter. And it doesn't. But this I have to say:

Just where do you draw the line??

Friendship comes in many varieties. It would be nice if relationships are all black and white but realistically, they're all shades of gray.

Whilst I'm open to the idea of being on speaking terms again, it's not something I would embrace with arms wide open. In fact, I would be very OK if we had stopped talking from that day henceforth. I don't see how it's possible to go back to before but I'm trying to keep an open mind. I do believe it's far easier and less complicated to cut ties. Wash my hands clean just like that.

So for you to go and make me doubt myself, as to why I even bother to try, well, this is why I don't call you anymore. Deep down, I know this will not work out. My heart is just not in it. I have a lot of doubts as to the sustainability of this acquiantenceship and you have done nothing to alleviate it. Sure, we used to talk, but we were never such good friends to begin with. I get along better with the security guards down at my office.

For the moment, to you, I limit the friendship to hi-bye and how's work. If you ask me about my holiday plans or career plans or anything which I feel will give you a too personal glimpse into my private life, I may or may not want to tell you. I'm not obliged to. I will be civil but I will not be radiating with warm rays of sunshine and Care Bear rainbows.

But what are you trying to do here??

Yes, do tell me that you have recently hooked up a nice girlfriend. I will be happy for you. But don't then proceed to complain about not having enough personal time and freedom to do your own things. I heard that one before. You took a long walk around a big bush to hint that I was the root of all that misery once. And to tell me this after saying all that to me makes you a bloody hypocrite. I'm a magnanimous woman, not a saint. I don't know how to feel pity for you.

So your relationship with said girl has evolved pretty quickly. You've met each other's family, extended family, yadda yadda yadda. And what else, you've spent nights at her family home and you don't even sleep at your own place when you do go back home? You don't say. This is really something I don't have to know. It's hardly an appropriate topic for small talk and borders on too much information. Why you felt compelled to share all this with me, I don't know.

I seriously think you're fucking with my mind. It pisses me off big time hearing all your stupid ranting. When I said you're the worst person in the whole world, I truly mean it although it sounded like spoken in jest. My feelings aside, don't you find it very disrespectful to her? How would she feel if she knew the things you told me? For who speaks of their new beloved in such fashion?

I wouldn't want to be her. And I'm glad I no longer wear her shoes.

Friday, March 16, 2007

lose some to win some

3 months notice?? 3 whole months??!! Can I say I don't want it???

Erm.... I can't say I'm estatic. But I don't have a good enuf reason to be upset too. Besides, it's generally accepted as "good news". It's just hard to feel positive when you're sleep deprived, when you've got nothing but work and deadlines on your mind, and every damn dusty thing is getting sucked into your lungs coz the nasal passage is blocked for the past 2 days.

Not feeling very articulate at all.

Today I got called to the boss' room, again. What could it be this time? I scrambled for my notebook and tried my darnest to remember all the key deadlines of projects under my care.

"Here you go, your letter." Oh.

"Heh, I thought you were gonna give me more work."

"Well, that will come. With this, you gotta work harder now." You mean I haven't been working hard enuf?? There must be something in the law that says it's a crime if a person put in an X amount of time in the office. An abnormally excessive X amount.

"But I HAVE been working hard since late last year." OK, on second thoughts I shouldn't have said that. Tongue faster than brain... it's a flaw I cannot fix. I sound like a whiner. She smiled. I wonder what it meant. Is that an acknowledgement? Or a "you'll see" smirk?

All I really really want now is to jet away to some island which is so extremely isolated from civilization that there's no cellular coverage or internet access. Must have DVD player tho coz I'm bringing along my Grey's Anatomy collection. I'll wear only boardshort, bikini top and flip flop all day every day and learn to surf. When I'm hungry I'll walk along the stretch of beach cafes and enter whichever establishment that strikes my fancy. I'll order pina coloda and read Haruki Murakami and Milan Kundera and Kiran Desai. Yes, ALL of them. When night falls, I'll gaze up on the millions of stars blanketing the sky like diamonds, and mull about how very very tiny and insignificant we really are.

Sounds like I need a holiday in Bali. But must throw phone away.

Hawaii oso can. But seriously must throw phone away.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

one art

The art of losing isn't hard to master;
so many things seem filled with the intent
to be lost that their loss is no disaster.

Lose something every day. Accept the fluster
of lost door keys, the hour badly spent.
The art of losing isn't hard to master.

Then practice losing farther, losing faster:
places, and names, and where it was you meant
to travel. None of these will bring disaster.

I lost my mother's watch. And look! my last, or
next-to-last, of three loved houses went.
The art of losing isn't hard to master.

I lost two cities, lovely ones. And, vaster,
some realms I owned, two rivers, a continent.
I miss them, but it wasn't a disaster.

--Even losing you (the joking voice, a gesture
I love) I shan't have lied. It's evident
the art of losing's not too hard to master
though it may look like (Write it!) like disaster.

~ Elisabeth Bishop

Isn't this the saddest poem you've ever heard?

The concept of loss is universal. We have all lost something. Most times we lose small mundane things like keys or glasses or documents. Sometimes, not so very often, we lose something that means so much more - a human relationship, a someone.

Losing things is inevitable, and dare I say, a norm of life. But when you really think about it, nothing truly belongs to us at the end of the day. We came into this world alone, and we leave alone.

So when you lose something, go ahead cry a little, then you stand up again. Learn to let go. Life's too short to be living in their shadow.

Friday, January 19, 2007

the most depressing day of the year

I should have stayed in bed.

What I really really need right now is a drink. Maybe a couple more after that. But I'm still tired still sick so I'm actually grounding myself at home tonight. Total bummer.

It's not something I had not expected or predicted to happen. It's just... well... disappointing that I got it right. It's no fun when you predicted something to go wrong and it actually did. Then you wonder how come the good predictions don't materialise. That's so WRONG.

It's funny you know, this thing about expectations and reality. Being one who doesn't ever discount all possibilities in any situation, I thought I had mentally prepared myself should the outcome be less than rosy. Actually I knew it will not be good. It's just a question of HOW not good. So, if I already knew this was inevitable, and had braced myself for it, why do I then still feel like crap? So much so I don't particularly feel like talking or working at all today. Logically, I should at least be a bit pleased that I actually had such an accurate foresight, eh? No?

Almost 10 months ago, I kinda knew that the "other things I could do with US$360" investment will totally go down the drain. And today I proved myself right.

Damn proud OK.

Gotta go sit on toilet and think think whether I wanna try again.

Monday, January 01, 2007

how to be happy, according to me

I think as humans we tend to worry too much and hence we are often planning. Other times, we rationalise ourselves silly, trying to find out the reason why. We hesitate too often, don't take actions enough.

Let me tell you a secret: Did you realise that while you were preoccupied at planning for the future, the future is playing catch up with you? Oh look, you're actually racing side by side. What have you done last year that you're truly proud of? Can you look back and say "Given a chance to turn back time, I would not have done it any differently"?

I found my mission.

For this new year, let's live in the now! Do what we want to do NOW and STOP telling yourself and others that you have no time. STOP saying things will change for the better next year. If all you ever do is think think think and wish wish wish, how can things possible change in the future? So STOP short changing yourself.

Do it NOW!!

Get a diving licence. Jump off a plane (I mean parachuting, of course). Go after that job you know you'll love. Dress up more, even if you're only going over to a neighbour's house for pizza. Take 2 weeks off and backpack across Eastern Europe, Italy, Russia, Turkey or wherever (the office will not, disappointingly, fall to pieces without you). On the next island holiday, wear that bikini you bought 5 years ago but never worn coz you worry you'd look fat in it. Give more to charity. If it's not life threatening, leave the office by 6pm and make it home to dinner with the family or friends. Do one thing that challenges you and pushes your physical and mental boundary to the limit.

Do it because you want to, not because you have to.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, sometimes it's OK to put yourself first. In our society we are often taught to put others' needs before our own. As adults, we sometimes feel like we have to fufill people's expectations of us because we're all grown up and responsible. And there are just too many people to contend with - family, bosses, peers, society and yes, even ourselves.

It feels like a burden.

Well, you don't have to carry the whole weight of the world on your shoulders all the time, y'know. Let someone else carry it for a change. The world looks different when you're not looking at the ground. I promise.

I realise now that it's the small small things in life that truly matters. Yah yah, I know that's so very passe. From now on, I'm going to do all I can in my power to be as happy as I possibly can, everyday, taking care to avoid being committed to a mental institution.

The best part is, I know it's not going to be hard.


Happy New Year babes! Have a good GOOD one ahead!!